

The End of Me!
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I looked side ways and screemed at the blooded pool around the dark room, which seemed like a little farm house in the middle of the forest.

"How did I get here" I asked myself with tears flowing like a heavy rainfall to my cheeks.

From the Corner of my eyes , I saw Justin's vulnerable body laying steadily on the floor , full of blood and sticky holes.

"OMG, What have I done?" Refacing back to last night's events, I dropped the knife hurriedly on the floor and placed my heavy arms around my head.

It was exactly 6pm , when my bestfriend invited me to a party downtown. I didn't want to go but she forced me into it anyway. I didn't know it was my Ex Boyfriend's {Justin} birthday party until I've reached at the venue.

"Jess I didn't think you would show up" Justin teases holding a glass of fine wine .

"Well I couldn't say no to your puppet could I?"

That was the last conversation I recalled having with him before he handed me a glass of martini vodka. The night was dark and wild, with me running away from my life I found alcohol as an escape. I took in sips after sips until I could see no more visible signs of people but rather blurry visuals in my head.

A masculine hand made my shoulder its home, and drag me all the way to his car, he drove faster, taking me to places I have never been before.

I remembered telling him to let me go but I didn't think it would actually lead to his death.

"What's this place?" I sighed.

After familiarizing myself with the environment, that's when I've realized that I was actually at Justin's escape house. He always came here when he needed to run away from something and not many people knew about this place.


As I sat gulping down my spine, I grabbed the knife from the corky floor and ran towards the forest making sure, I wasn't being followed. I dugged a hole and placed the stained knife horizontally into the hole.

After second thoughts I ran back into the house and noticed a shower next to the dark room, Justin's secret room I assumed.

I took a quick shower, quite shaky and nervous I figured my finger prints must be all over the place. That it was pointless anyway. I would never get away with it and if I did I would never be able to live with myself. I didn't think I could handle a mental hospital. Tortured by my own demons I screamed my breath out, not knowing what to do.

"Should I just runaway? No, No, No" I cried shaking Justin's body, hoping that he would still be alive, maybe he was playing games with me. It was when I noticed a dugged hole through his heart that he was really gone.

After burning tears, I searched for my phone but there was no signal on it. I raised 'Justin's body boldly, strolling him out after noticing his car outside.

I placed his body on the back seat after burning everything with my fingerprints on , acting like a drunk person and vastly drove to the sea to drown the both of us. The unwanted party marked the End of ME! Only the Universe would tell whether I would ever be found!