

They are gone
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

I was 20 old, living in a hostel,working in a company as a manager. life was pretty good. my mom used to call me daily, just to know how i was doing...

“Did you eat?”
“What did you eat?”

Mentally eye-rolling, I tell her what I had for dinner and whether i liked it or not, with explanations.

I asked her why the same question and she simply said,

Because I couldn’t sleep without knowing that.”

I kept silent and talking to her for so long...
This routine continued for so long ..

Then i started waiting for calls... but i realised i won't get any calls from now.
The phone calls have stopped. No one asks me if I have eaten and on nights when I am too sad to eat anything, I have no one to lie to and offer the consolation of a full stomach and happy me.

I guess that’s in our nature to take things that are here for granted. We don’t think about the time when they will leave. We live in this presumptuous bubble that they will always be around. This generation is cursed with a kind of self-imposed restraint on feeling things and letting others know how they feel. And when the dust settles down, we stare at the enormity of the regret that comes along.

We discern not only their importance when they are gone but also the magnanimity of their love for us. Of all the things that can pull people apart, the most spontaneous and brutal is death. So, while they are here with me, I tell them how much they mean to me.

Because I no longer want the rest of my life under the weight of unspent words and relentless thoughts of, “Oh! I wish I still had that chance.”

© @ Divya~