

Our world is distinctly populated with people having their own diverse personalities and thought processes. It often becomes tricky to comprehend them and their behaviour in certain circumstances. In consideration of the current unspeakable situation festering over our world, has opened up the whole new bunch of talents, inventions, discoveries and opportunities for something which people haven't witnessed before. People are somehow trying to figure out a life in the pandemic and in the coming future. There's been some perplexing decisions made by our government for the betterment of the people. Consequently, various supporting professional workers such as Doctors, nurses, medical staff, municipal corporation staff and many others are providing a helping hand to tackle the increasing number of cases throughout the country. Apart from these, the defence forces like police department are handling the situation from the ground level. However, there are few other individuals who are somehow acting illegitimately, trying to sabotage the mission of our government to contain the festerment. Basically, some people prefer to be in their comfort zones and not allow themselves to absorb new perspective or knowledge in order to lead more meaningful life and this is what I feel it's their obliviousness. May be people sometimes don't want to accept any kind of change or they themselves create the barrier of transmission of knowledge from one individual to another.

Moreover, I presume mother nature has gone rogue these days, flooded most of the regions, wrecked every weakling and has led to the destruction of lives. Now the only remaining thing is the debris streched out as far as one can see. But good thing is that people can always find a way to reinstate themselves with help of some authorities who dedicate their lives for the welfare of the people.
© Neelam Sharma