

The letter he has received today is from a friend who died two years ago.
Aaban was shocked to see that it was sent by Aaraz ...
Sign this form sir ...
he then suddenly came to senses and realized that he was still standing at the door staring on that letter ....
o sorry ...let me sign it while calming his nerves he signed it
Then he came inside the house and immediately tore the letter to see what it holds ...
he tore it and saw there was a tiny note on which some verses were written
A Secret To Be Told
To the person I kept on hold
i want you to check out
the. favourite place of us it hold s
something for you maybe a secret you should be told or maybe an opportunity of gold

Aaban was shocked to see that his friend was neither a scavenger player nor he talked in code words then why he wrote it to me or maybe it's not from him ...how can I recieve a letter two years after someone died..that's impossible ..I should focus on something else and should leave it ...it's just nonsense..
Then whole war started in his mind on one side he was being reminded of friendship on the other the risk it could be..
He then went to kitchen drank water and after the two hours Opinion conflict he decided to visit the orchard ...that was the place they used to go....
when he entered there he saw an old man there then he started looking at the fruits because in that orchard only buyers were allowed ...but when he and Aaraz used to come here 4years ago it was owned by a person who had made it available for everyone but now the owner changed and so was the policies of the orchard..
Anyhow as he was acting of investigating the fruits ...The old person came to him. and said are you Aaban ...He was surprised to see how come he know ?then he told me that Aaraz had left something for me...He gave me a box ...and that made me speechless even more and he left the place immediately...
When he opened the box there was a chain in which best friend was written ...which he threw at the road 3,years when we decided to never meet each other again after a horrific fight over an absurd issue....
It was not just Aabans chain Araz chain was also there....
He then saw a note under the chains in which it. was written
after fighting with you I realized I will never find a gem like you ..I know I will die because I have contagious disease I wish you were there but you didn't picked up my calls (Aaban then realized that he changed his number)..that's why I am sending you all this but will reach you two years later...it's not that I want you to feel guilty ...that's because I don't want my friend to cry when I will be nowhere around him...I mentioned it's an opportunity ..on a lighter note I was trying to create suspense so even if you have lost trust in our friendship you will come for reward ...silly me ...Aaban give me special place in your heart thats what I really wants...
Aaban was sobbing in his Room like a baby....
but after a few months later he realized that he should fulfill the dream of Aaraz which was to build an Shelter for the people who sleep on road.....
life shocks everyone but you should utilize this shock in doing something good for Humanity ....
The Rule of life is you will get what you give
so give spread it will reach you back...
The only regret he had was that he could have talked that day .....he could have calmed him....but there should be no guilt when you cannot do anything ..... because His friend did not want him to regret too
learn from your guilt that's the only thing you have to do with that