

Message to humanity
Lesson 2: Cherish each second!!!

So here we go again ...After having a good nap of hour or two..woke up a fresh, who thought we would have lost in such a space .A TOTAL DARKNESS
The place who actually looked so small had such wide dimensions ...Anyway Life is utmost priority ...Obviously !!!
Here I and Matilza was left , in this total blackout with some creaky and squeaky big rats maybe...( God I can really smell their dropping so disgusting!!!) but we don't have any other way we need to survive it ..Lest, we also die..!!
Our food and water was also running out...!! we need to get out of this space ..we already lost abraham , Jenny , Algah and Corey I and matilza were left
" Everyone just vanished" said frightened Matilza
" Do we will survive "
Her questions were making me more more sad I in state of anger and frustration said " Can you shut up !! Matilza please" I know we are already in big mess " But if you also do like little nagging kids then how we will be able to get out of here???