

Last night I was dancing with the moon on the edge of a cliff and he said something....

“It’s so beautiful here, isn’t it?”
Moon said and I just nodded and closed my eyes while sighting tiredly. I stayed silent while my body swayed in the slit of the wind. The murmur of the stream under the cliff brought peace to my soul. This is so beautiful.
“Yeah, it’s very beautiful. The stars, you, I like the cold breeze hitting my skin, it’s just so perfect.”
Smile spread across my face as I said that. My hand reached towards the sky slowly, hoping that it would want to swallow me and lend me freedom.
“Little one,” says the moon. “Why do you think that stars are beautiful?”
i took a slow step closer to the edge of the cliff while watching the reflection of the moon in the river below.
“It’s because they’re so shiny, so pretty, and they will show lost travelers the way in the dark when they’re lost.”
“Are you cold?”
This sudden question from moon make me dumbfounded.
“Cold?” I asked.
“Yes. You said that you like the cold breeze hitting your skin but in reality you’re shaking from cold.”
Was it really so obvious? I thought in my mind but ignored his words while taking another step towards the edge of the cliff. So close that I could almost feel myself slipping into the water.
“Tell me, little one,” the moon began again “why do you think that I’m beautiful?”
That question made me smile and I answered.
“That’s because you’re everything I’ve ever asked for, and you’re always here. I can't even say how much I'm grateful for you shinning in the night sky while looking over me.”
The silence fell in the air and only the murmur of the wind could be heard.
“Then tell me, if stars can show lost travelers their way back, why can’t you find your way back? Just look around you, why are you so lost?”
“Even though the cold is too much for you, you still like the feeling of it. Why? Because it can make you feel numb? Because it can make you feel less pain than you already feel?”
“If you say I am so beautiful even though I have many moles, I’m a gray lifeless colour and I only show at night and leave you in the morning, why can’t you accept that you’re not useless and you’re beautiful too??”
All these questions were so hard to answer and my heart ached from inside for answers. I suddenly felt like I was choking. But all these questions seemed too familiar...like I've heard them before...

...and that's when I realized that it wasn’t the moon talking with me, but it was my inner child.

© Eva