

5 More minutes
When I saw him after such a long time , with a girl next to him . I could tell he's fall in love , I could tell it by the way he's looking at her with such gentle expression .I never saw him had such a expression ,to make such face which he never made towards me .after all I am just little girl in his eyes ,no matter how much I try or how many years gets past I'll be little girl in his eyes .so unfair ,it hurts ,it hurts to point I can't face him with her ,I can't look him in the eye and his kindness towards me its killing me from inside even though I knew its an unrequited love, even I knew he'll never return my feelings its still hurts .I knew him from 13 years , our parents were friends thats how I know him , he used to play with me when I was five years and he was eleven years .I was sixteen when I reliasied I love him I can't help it he was always there when I needed help every time I thought I'll say it when I become proper woman ,after that he went for training for a job and came back with girl he fell in love with .everything I thought why him ,every time when he only sees a little girl in that five years old girl , it feels so suffocating .I am just going want to end it all properly .
"um...,where'd she go " did she went him already
"she went to visit her grandma "
"I see"
"so how's she , she looks cute right"
"ha... yeah , she's ... cute.., um advay if you
are free tomorrow evening at four will you accompany me to shopping ."
"OK, you don't have to be so formal "
"then I'll be wait for you "its the last time I guess.
"your all dress up "
"do I look cute tell me "
" yep, your really cute " here he goes saying things ,he's so dense and clueless .
after spending so much time together I forgot that he had a girlfriend now , everything was like old times but it has to end now , everything has to end now.
"its getting dark ..., um if you don't mind can we go to park we always used to go "
after reaching the park I was prepared to face any consequences , I'll will confess him to now , I know he'll reject me but somewhere in the corner of my heart I was hoping that ..
"we reached the park , oye are listening "
"so nostalgic right , even though it only been two years"
"your right"say it , just say those three words .why won't those words come out.
"your so silent today did something happen , are you alright let's go home for now "
no don't leave , I didnt say anything yet please don't go , don't leave .say it damn ,now is your only chance or else he'll never know .
"don't go"I hugged him from behind , there were so many things going in my mind , and I hugged him.
"what's wrong"
"pl...pleas..e don't turn , five more minutes just give me five more minutes and listen to me , this place it was here , when you saved me from a stalker it was that time when I thought you were so cool and started noticing my feelings for , it was this place where I've found my first love , advay I really do , I love all lot ,I've always all these years "
"I'm sorry....."thats it the little hope I had somewhere in my heart has also been crushed , before he could complete what he was trying to say I dashed out of the park I started running don't know towards where aimless crying my eyes out and I felt a jerk someone held my hand , he ran after me.but why , why didn't he leave me alone .
"your as stupid as you were back then without listening to what others have to say"
"but ...but you ..wer..e saying sorry ..and and that girl "
"listen to me stupid ,I was rejected by her one year back and her grandma lives here so we came together . I still need a little time to get over it ".he took a deep breath and then said ,"I am sorry I can't return your feelings "
"yeah, its fine I'll make fall in love with me " I was happy even one side of me felt sorry for him but I was happy I wasn't late.
"oye, at least would stop looking so happy about my rejection it's still hurts a bit "
"sorry but I can't help it you know"
"stupid".I was a bit shock when he said he was rejected but in the I was happy and a sad for him at the same time .he makes me jealous,insecure,frustrated and happy over a little things , thats how much I love him