

Remember_Chapter 1
Hannah a 15 year old girl and her family waits for her eldest sister in the airport.

Her eldest sister is 24 year old Hazel who works in a food company in Spain while Her pregnant mom Bella, her father Harry, her 13 year old brother Hans and 18 year old sister Brooklyn stays in the U.S .

Their parents stopped working after their Dad got laid off his job and her mom needed a maternity leave so their eldest sister worked away to earn.

The rain started pouring because of a storm so all flights to U.S.A were all canceled so the family decided to go back home.

The car was parked away from the airport and because of having only one umbrella their father Harry decides to get the car.

He forgets to bring his bag that Hannah was carrying that had the key so Hannah takes it to him.

A car moves at a fast speed towards Hannah and the driver is unable to brake due to the slippery roads.

The car hits Hannah causing her bleed a lot.

Brooklyn calls an ambulance and luckily it arrives on time.

When they arrive at the hospital the doctors rushed her to the emergency room.

The doctor announces the high chances of Coma and tells the family about how big the bill is going to be once she is in a coma.

Another doctor advises them to Euthanize Hannah because she has low chances of living and may even die during her vegetable state.

The family doesnt give up on her and 1 year later she wakes up.

The family shocked by the bill couldnt find a way to pay it worse is that Hannah couldnt remember anything and she still needed treatment

Their mom Bella had only one hope by calling her sister Venice who lives in Switzerland and has 1 son who was 14 years old and a deceased daughter, Venice had another son that has gone missing for 10 years already after being kidnapped when he was 5.

Venice due to a broken heart because of the death of her daughter decides to adopt Hannah and to pay her bill as she had a company in both U.S and Switzerland.

Hannah adapted well to the country and to her rich family and she was able to walk again after 1 year of training.

5 years later her family decides to have a vacation in U.S.A

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"N Thea"