

The neglected child
At a very tender age,I was exposed to more than one can say, left alone is no child's play.living a dirty life won't do you good. was it my fault that I was used and dumped. I was just a vulnerable prey they got and went scot free.

They used me to quench their unending desires. At that time I was so young and frail. Things never hot better bit worsen day by day.Every ray of hope I had left turned into ashes. Never really did I know what they saw in me. They ruined my childhood memories ,that which every child crave to relive. I grew too fast and not like the rest of the girls.A reason is what they did to me.

Just when I thought things are back to normal,my past keeps haunting me.I have a choice left between a dirty yesterday and a brand new tomorrow. if I choose to be happy,then many lives will be at sake. I don't deserve a today because of my yesterday. my haggard wanton has to be kept at bay just for the people who bring fore people to my plate . I cry until it hurts ,wishing it'll all over.

That it is just a dream and everything will all be over.....