

Silent Death.


I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. Red fresh blood was dripping down my shaky fingers. I was covered in blood as I moved my head around which still stinks from the hit. I looked at my surrounding. Though my vision was quite blurry the place looks familiar it's our living room. Everything was shattered into pieces. I tried to shout for help but it seems like my voice has vanished.
As I tried to stand my leg hit something. Turning to see what it is I saw a figure. As it was dark and the face was turned away from my view I didn't know who it was. Slowly crawling around the figure and hoping that it's not someone I know I look at it. Two familiar eyes were looking right at me with agony. The tears that fell from it were almost dried. I moved towards it, it was my little sister who Is yet to enjoy life. I scream and tried to call her name but no sound came out. Looking at her figure which is filled with wet blood, tears came rolling down my cheeks. A hole was made through her chest. I looked at the knife which was in my hand when I woke up I can't remember a thing. Many questions came crawling in my head. What happens? Why am I in blood with a knife in my hand? and why is Ellie lying on the floor with a hole in her chest?
Placing her in my lap I closed her eyes and sang her her favourite song in my head. Tears were dripping down on her pale face. I tried to scream for help but no reply came. I know that I won't be awake for long I tried to reach for the phone but my effort went in vain. I seat there along with Ellie hoping someone will come soon.
Helping myself and leaning against the wall I thought of whatever wrong deeds have we done to deserve this. As I lay in a pool of blood my strength slowly began to drain. I began to fall asleep or was dying. The sound of our home clock tik into my brain and it felt like it was taking my life away.
And slowly we both lying in pool of blood we disappeared into the darkness.


© Gracelin-tase