

the dark knight part 5
the driver takes the man to the party safely by dropping the person into the party when the man goes in and he says everyone taking enjoyment of the party and he has also told that taxi driver to wait till the party has been end he comes back from the party and says to the driver it's very night and I am very sleepy now can take me home fast the driver says ok sir please you can sleep at the back of the taxi then the man tell the driver that I want to go to the toilet please stop the taxi the driver says no so it's again the graveyard. the man says please I rub my hands together but please let me go to the toilet it's very urgent the taxi driver understands the problem of the toilet and let the man go to the toilet behind the bush the man who heard some different voices he had runs as fast as he can and the driver shouts so come the side that side is wrong you are going in and deeper and deeper please come back so at last the man dies see if we did not pay attention at what people say the people also leave us alone so please stay home stay safe
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