

Reality or Illusion
Just a casual morning of mine
Getting ready for the office
I opened my door and saw two newspapers lying.
Standing there I wondered how two newspapers are lying here.
Did I forget to take yesterday's newspaper or the newspaper guy didn't come yesterday.
Ignoring that thing I took my toast from the toaster.
And then walked towards my office.
And boarded a train amidst my journey to office
After that I reached my office
And asked my receptionist to bring in the attendance register;
Then the receptionist said 'Sir, you were absent the previous day'
This statement from her shocked me and I replied 'Hey I was there at the office yesterday. You might have been mistaken '
Then I looked at the register myself and found that I have been marked absent.
This startled me and I ran in disbelief to the outdoors pantry area.
One of my colleagues greeted me there and asked me 'Hey bro I didn't see you yesterday'
All these statements came as a shock to me because according to my conscious mind I was there last day.
Then after my office got over I reached home after a hectic day.
But what happened in the office was constantly revolving in my mind.
As I was just about to sleep, I saw flashbacks of yesterday in which I was going to the office, making an entry in the register, talking to my colleagues and
spending some time in the pantry.
This suddenly opened my eyes and all the truth related to yesterday was just revealed.

THE MYSTERY : Yesterday, all of the day I was sleeping, my subconscious mind won over my conscious mind, and all the things that happened yesterday were just an illusion. A mere illusion.
My subconscious mind became so powerful that it made me believe that things are going on for real. But in reality, I spent all of my day yesterday sleeping.
© Alex Stewart