

As the toothpaste was squilled on her toothbrush Ruby stared at the bathroom mirror whilst Lip syncing her favorite song, when she suddenly heard a bang. Sh immediately rushed out of the bathroom fleeing down the stairs when she saw 4 armed men with masked identities. She screamed but was silenced by a gun pointing towards her dad's head.
Shut up lil bitch!! Said one of the robbers who apparently looked like the leader while turning to Ruby's dad ok Rivera this is very easy okay so be a good boy am I understood ye yess Mr Rivera studdered. Transfer all the money in your account into ours right now Robert bring the details he ordered one of the robbers.
I don't have much money we've been bankrupt and I'm still owing the bank some loan he replied shaking. Thow!!! A punch was thrown across Mr Rivera's face. Do you think I'm joking ayee!! Transfer all what you got or your stupid daughter gets it. Ok ok ok I'm doing that right now just don't hurt Ruby he replied panic obvious in his voice while transferring all the money.
Done boss said one of the robbers how much!? 2million USD boss he replied good he cackled while swiftly turning to Mr Rivera and shot him straight in his forehead making him fall flat on the ground. Ahhh a loud screech erupted from Ruby's lips while inching closer to her dad's body she grabbed her by the arm Reuben watch her while point to Mrs Stella who was weeping quietly like a water fall. He grabbed Ruby upstairs She screamed loudly while taking his mask off his face she scanned his face for 3 seconds before she was rewards with a slap across her face but her screams were of no use since they lived far away from the city. He then shut her bedroom door .
That night she was violated
Let's go boys he said leaving an unconscious Ruby upstairs, A. dead Mr Rivera downstairs and a weeping Stella next to her husband.

part two will be released soon note this is a slow burn book
© chivet scribble