

Too Late.
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.He doesn't really want to open the email because he still has a grudge from years back.
Danny has no idea that his ex-bestfriend was dead. He still thinks that he is in Brazil, living his life after leaving the UK. As Danny looks at the email over and over again, he wonders what was so important that Tim decided to reach out to him.
All of a sudden a knock was heard, seems someone else needed to see Danny.
He decided to put his laptop aside and go right to the door. On opening the door, he was met with Tim's mother. Danny was so confused as to why she would be here and not in Brazil. He was even more shocked that she knew his address.
He invited her in and called his secretary to get tea. Looking at her, Danny realised she looked pretty different. When he was younger, she was always so into fashion, always in on trends, always dressed elegantly and so on. But now, she looked...haggard . A cough was heard in the room as Danny realised he had been lost in thought.
Danny:" Goodday ma'am. I did not expect to see you here today. Its been a while that's why...." Danny trails off
Tim's mom, Linda, decided to finally speak after the akward silence.

Linda: "Dan. Did you hear from Tim recently?"

Danny: " Oh no ma'am. I haven't heard from him in a long while."
As he says that, Linda just looks down right at her feet.

Linda: "Danny dear, listen to me very carefully"
Danny was sooo confused now and not just that but, he was also suprised that Linda called him 'danny'. He nods his head to show that he is listening.

Linda: "Tim....Tim....Tim is dead." she says as she chokes back her tears. Danny froze on the spot, he couldn't breath, his mind was racing thinking about all the memories he and Tim had. He stood up abruptly and rushed to his computer. Turning it on, he clicked on the email he just received. As he read it, tears fell from his eyes till he began to sob loudly.
He couldn't believe that his bestfriend was dead. He felt soo empty. He was sad he hadn't reach out, he was angry that he couldn't do so anymore.
As he read the last paragraph, he screamed in pain as tears fell onto his laptop keys.
"..... I know you're still upset with me buddy but, if you need anything just reach out, I'll be there in a split. I actually miss you a lot and I hope you'll forgive me for leaving when you needed me the most.
🤍, Tim.

© #milialate.4