

Is God real?🤔
This is the question that every person have in their minds, Is God real❓

And nobody actually knows the correct answer 💯 and nobody could ever tell us , because nobody have seen god in reality . Everybody has just heard the myths and facts and the books that are written by our ancestors . Are they even trueth ❓ or just a myth.

In my opinion, If a dark night is there then a beautiful morning is there , if negative energy exists then somehow positive too similarly If Devil or ghosts exists then there is a hope or faith in us which tell us that God really exists.

I know I'm making it more complicated but I just want to tell you that No one can survive without a hope or faith because I know we have everything we need but some people don't have anything but hope that one day they will live life like a rich. And they think that God will listen them one day , Actually they have to think because they will be dead without a hope even we also , Like when we are in a problem we just pray to god that it will not be happen.

That's why don't question god , question yourself that who even gives us that energy to live.😁❤️

I hope you liked it😁
© Shine writings