


What if it all works out?
What if this is exactly what you need to level up?
What if you come out of this better than ever?
What if the timing of it all is perfect?
What if the future version of you has already overcome this and is cheering you on?

What if you're not feeling overwhelmed about the whole situation?
What if you refocus your attention on being appreciative and directing your energy towards what you can control?
What if it's happening for your highest good?
What if you begin to love yourself more?

What if this is shaping you into who you want to be?
What if you trusted that nothing that is meant for you could ever pass you by?
What if your heart grew two sizes from this and it leads you to where you need to be?

What if you realized that life is too short to spend on people that are undeserving?
What if you paid more attention to your feelings instead of your doubts?
What if you strive to be better than who you were yesterday, rather than striving to please other people?

What if you realized that you've always been enough?
What if you realized that only you can stop yourself?
Just what if.
Sit and think about these things.

Day 041/100
#randomthoughts #whatifs #inspiration
© Iretomiwa