

We are on our way back home from the mall,mom had Apologise to the stranger and things are ok.. but it seems I can't stop myself from continually remembering the voice,it ring in my eye,like the sound of a sweet Bird music, like a rhythm is melodify my heart and I seems not to have enough of it..
"Are you alright?" mom asked waking me up from my day dream once again.
" I am good mom" and replied with my visible smile.
she required to know what had triggered the smiles and Happy state.
well I couldn't tell her anything, just smiled much more thinking about it.
the rest of the journey home was very quiet .
when we got home, I quickly made my way to my room, just to lie on the bed and think again about what just happened.
what is this feeling?I wondered.
God am in love with a voice of a stranger..
The day passes and my birthday is today.
I woke up to my mom singing Happy birthday song for me,and after which she asked me to make a wish and blew out candles and cut a cut both of which I had felt with my hands but had never seen it before.
After freshing up and everything I told my mom about my sweet yet dangerous plan , that when I turn 20 ,I will go to the groceries shop myself alone..
of which I have tried many times, but end up with my mom coming to pick me up always.
I set out and carefully and maneged to get there. after being help by the shop assistant to pack all the stuffs,I made my way towards the exit..with my stick in hands and using it to locate my way,
I hit something hard with it and the next thing I had was "ouch "
I quickly got tansed and started to apologise,
"wait I remember you,so this explains the last time,am so sorry if I was rude"
the voice said...


it's was the voice again!!!!

I tried not to look stupid just smiling again ,I force myself to say something, after what seems like forever I said
" don't worry am really glad I have met you again" ....
oh my gosh,why the hell did I say that?..
there was silence for some time,I thought the person may have left long time and didn't even hear what I said..
I decided to see if he or she was still there,I rise my cane and used is to hit myself about then boom another
"ouch not again" after followed a laughter I joined in completely ..

When we couldn't laugh again the person said
"I am Graham , you?.