

The right time is now
You will never be 100% ready.
That's the thing with life.
You want it so bad but the timing is just not there for you, at least that's what you think.

It will never be just "the right time", and that is also the whole point.
Because every moment you go through is also the right moment.

You have to take that chance the universe gave you.
Because it may be your one and only opportunities in life.
You will never feel 100% ready, and I know that is scary.
But that move you are scared to make, might just be the one greatest decision for you.
I promise you...great things comes out when you step out from your comfort zone.

No matter the timing or the "perfect time", you will go through things that is consider bad but eventually life will give you back the thing you want in return for all of your blood, sweat and tears. it's always what you sow you reap.
#timeflies #reap
© Zamsi