

A cherished childhood memory that still brings a smile to my face
It was a winter's evening. It was the night of my Sunday school play. I was chosen to take the part of mother Mary. I was honoured to play Mother Mary..the mother of Jesus.

Excitement filled the atmosphere..I was so overwhelmed..as the play begun..The curtains were drawn..and it was time ..for the opening scene...I was filled with joy in my heart as I stood proudly..and boldly and began to portray a woman favored by God and blameless in His eyes...Mother Mary.

I was busy sweeping ..then suddenly an angel appeared to me...played by my sunday school friend..He told me I was going to have a baby ..and I was to call His name Jesus..and He was going to become the saviour of the world..the Messiah of the world and the Only true God..

What made the play even more special was my sunday school friends.. The also played important roles...like one of them played another angel...and another friend played Joseph the father of Jesus..others played the wise men.. who brought gifts when baby Jesus was born..

So I was so filled with ecstasy..it was a childhood moment I'll always cherish..The Sunday Christmas play meant a lot to me..and to have been chosen to play Mary..made me feel so special ...and filled with happiness in my heart.

Not many people have the priveledge to play the most special part in the sunday school play ..who is Mother Mary ..but I did..

My advice to you is make the best of your childhood..hold on to those beautiful moments ..and make the best of your childhood ..because those are the best days of our entire life.

My childhood was so special to me...spent most of the time in Sunday school and church..I'm priveledged to be a Christian.. and to know Jesus is to know hope and beauty ..