

Jesus is alive forever more
He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He has the keys of hades and death with Him. Jesus was born into this world to save the world. He was born though immaculate conception.. His birth was a miracle in itself.

He came into the world to save humanity and not to condemn the world. He performed many miracles during His time on earth..for example, He turned water into wine, raised the dead..healed the blind and walked on water..etc.

Jesus loves the world. He was eventually crucified so the sins of mankind can be forgiven. He died, but He rose on the third day...and Jesus is alive forever more.

This is not just a myth but is based on historical facts. In my life, I faced many storms..many problems. I experienced good and bad days...I still experience the mixture of good and bad days but that didn't alter my faith in God.

God performed the greatest miracles of my entire lifetime ..one of which was when He saved my life due to fat embolism..no one survives this medical condition but I did! All blessing and honour belongs to Jesus always. The second most beautiful miracle was becoming a mum..both my son and I are both God miracles because if I had not survived fat embolism my son would not have been born..So I feel very special in the eyes of God..may you be blessed by my real life story. Never lose hope in life because Jesus is alive forever more. His got your back.