The Situation
(art by @th3looobah on instagram)
It has been a month since the commencement of the firm actions from several countries, including my country, Saudi Arabia, in dealing with the global pandemic: COVID-19, or the corona virus.
This disease initiated approximately by the very end of this past December, in China, specefically the city of Wuhan. It is mainly identified by respiratory difficulties and dry coughs.
When the news surrounding the virus first broke in, people around the world did not take the matter seriously, and the majority were uneducated, to a relative degree, on its causes, effects and preventions; most probably because they figured it was the same as any disease that comes and goes, but they figured wrong.
Unfortunately, it was stereotyped, and an abundant number of distasteful jokes and remarks were directed at the Chinese, despite the suffering of their people.
Soon enough, as the pandemic's spread has been exceptionally fast, it reached other countries in Asia, then Europe, then the Americas. Now, it has made its mark around the world, and is now considered a global pandemic.
Almost everywhere you go, regardless of the country, there are curfews. The restaurants are closed, and if they were open, they would absolutely disallow dining in. The vast majority of workers, whether they work in the private, or the public sector, are required to work from home. Students cannot go to schools, nor universities anymore, and so they must do as the workers. Flights are stopped and airports are shut. Families are on lockdown, with the exception of grabbing the necessities from grocery stores.
Just when you think you are secure, just when you figure you're set, the entire world could change around you, in the glimpse of an eye.
Just as you settle with what you have, and what's around you, a Hiroshima might strike, and this time, it struck us; the entire world, with the mask of this singular pandemic.
We are definitely encountering a...
It has been a month since the commencement of the firm actions from several countries, including my country, Saudi Arabia, in dealing with the global pandemic: COVID-19, or the corona virus.
This disease initiated approximately by the very end of this past December, in China, specefically the city of Wuhan. It is mainly identified by respiratory difficulties and dry coughs.
When the news surrounding the virus first broke in, people around the world did not take the matter seriously, and the majority were uneducated, to a relative degree, on its causes, effects and preventions; most probably because they figured it was the same as any disease that comes and goes, but they figured wrong.
Unfortunately, it was stereotyped, and an abundant number of distasteful jokes and remarks were directed at the Chinese, despite the suffering of their people.
Soon enough, as the pandemic's spread has been exceptionally fast, it reached other countries in Asia, then Europe, then the Americas. Now, it has made its mark around the world, and is now considered a global pandemic.
Almost everywhere you go, regardless of the country, there are curfews. The restaurants are closed, and if they were open, they would absolutely disallow dining in. The vast majority of workers, whether they work in the private, or the public sector, are required to work from home. Students cannot go to schools, nor universities anymore, and so they must do as the workers. Flights are stopped and airports are shut. Families are on lockdown, with the exception of grabbing the necessities from grocery stores.
Just when you think you are secure, just when you figure you're set, the entire world could change around you, in the glimpse of an eye.
Just as you settle with what you have, and what's around you, a Hiroshima might strike, and this time, it struck us; the entire world, with the mask of this singular pandemic.
We are definitely encountering a...