

The Untold Story of Amphitrite: Part 2 - Closure
She spiraled down under the current of the water but to her immense surprise, had no difficulty in breathing at all. Despite the crashing waves, she felt, for the first time ever, at ease, at home. Her vision, as clear as ones reflection in the mirror; her breathing, calm, but not from her nose; her study feet, a tail now, that propelled her further! Her tail-fin arising from the waist down, was covered with scales of brilliant blue, like letters dipped in ink, with a fair share of shiny green, like the forest canopy reflecting the sunlight. She was in her world now and she owned it, she ruled it.

Stronger than ever before, she made it rain cats and dogs in the world above, and rattled it by stiring up a tsunami. She, the Goddess of the Sea, was destined to be the means to bring an end to life as we know. She was always meant to be the change, a force that no one could ever curtail!

Her suppressed anger took the form of anguished waves, tossing and turning in on themselves, lashing out at the shores and beyond it. She had broken the boundaries of water and land, and seemed to inch closer to fulfilling her fate. She, the giver of life (for without water, there is none), had now become the taker of life - The Creator, The Preserver, The Destroyer. Amidst all the chaos, a smile began to form at the corners of her mouth. She was reaching the tranquility that she had longed for. With destruction all around, yet peace within. This was bound to happen, for new life to begin, the end was essential.

As she reached the zen within, the storm above began to slowly calm down. The Destroyer had mellowed and it was time for The Preserver to arise again! She swiftly swam and rose from the depths of the ocean, came ashore, and transformed into her human avatar. This time, more conscious of her being, more attuned to her emotions, and more determined to fulfill her fate of being the change! She had understood that her fate was not to cause destruction, but to be the change that followed it, though at a high price, since the humans were slow to learn but fast to forget!

Over the years, when she was on land, she actively started to bring about slow, but meaningful changes in the society that she lived in. She faced harsh criticism, ludicrous judgements, and was opposed at every step. But now she had reached her zenith. She was able to reign in her calm bearing, whilst being surrounded by the tormenting wordly illusions that the humans lived in.

She started breaking one shackle at a time, for the humans had been created equal and of free will but over the years, the more powerful had set rules and boundaries to suit their purposes. And the cycle of life, of creation, preservation, and destruction continued. For though a Goddess, every 100 years, her pent up rage at the misconstrued society, spilled over, wreaked havoc, destroyed everything in its path, only to press the reset button. Over the centuries, she resided in various locations and battled to rebuke the unworthy and meritless customs of that era leading to many inspired changes over time.

The sightings of mermaids in different countries, was just her, going to her home for a brief amount of time and arising somewhere new on land. Her core always being constant - her dance - her prayer, the cosmic eternal celebration of the cycle of life - now, not seeded in anger but in balance and control, while she continued reshaping the society and moulding the temperaments one century at a time!

© Prachi Shukla - The Untamed