

My Cenderella ep 1 " Andersons Family"
In a beautiful and ancient city ‎.. ‏especially in that vast area of trees and flowers belonging to the city ruler's castle ‎.. ‏the castle. ‏Quiet white on the outside, ‏but full of life inside. ‏Workers work hard and maids clean the antiques in the long corridor, ‏and ‎..

<< ‏Mr. ‏Alster>> ‏Someone shouted Shaw a long white beard and tipped his head seriously, ‏saying: ‏Tell me, ‏Mr. ‏Alster, ‏the causes of the increasing global warming? .. ‏So I was surprised and rubbed my finger on my cheek, ‏saying: ‏Human beings ‎... ‏and he and my brother sitting next to me, ‏saying: ‏Humans ‎!! ... ‏laughed sarcastically, ‏saying: ‏Yes, ‏had it not been for the factories and the cutting of green lands, ‏global warming would not have occurred ‎...
‏After a while we were walking in the corridor and my brother said hesitantly: ‏Where were you straying, ‏Ulster? ‏They stopped and looked at me and held a book in front of his face, ‏cheerfully saying: ‏With this ‎.. ‏the book of football ‎.. ‏it is a wonderful sport ‎.. ‏and my mom shoved it from the front of his face, ‏saying calmly: ‏You have to be more serious in your lessons, ‏brother ‎.. ‏I said while I put my hands around his neck cheerfully: ‏My little brother ‎.. ‏I am still young, ‏what do you want me to do ‎.. ‏The professor’s subjects are so boring ‎.. ‏What do you think of a horse race and the winner asks what he wants ‎.. ‏Yami said with a challenging smile: ‏I will make you do my duties if ‎.. ‏e ‎.. ‏but ‎!!. ‏I said boredom: ‏I know, ‏I know ‎.. ‏we have a lesson in German, ‏then French, ‏then Russian. ‏Mama, ‏do not forget that I speak six live languages. ‏There is no use in these lessons ‎.. ‏Go and make an excuse for me ‎.. ‏He hesitantly said: ‏But my brother ‎?? .. ‏So I said, ‏I am leaving Running: ‏I will wait for you to show you who is the winner of the race ‎... ‏and Mami smiled while watching me ‎... ‏then left in the other direction ‎..

‏After a while, ‏Yami was sitting, ‏smiling and nervous, ‏watching the professor move his foot nervous ‎.. ‏Yami laughed and said, "Let's start the lesson, ‏Professor ‎.. ‏So he said, ‏looking at Yami calmly, 'Who are you younger ‎.. ‏but you have more wisdom than him?"

‏As for me, ‏I was walking down the corridor and smelled a good smell and looked at the hall next to me and found a piece of candy and looked around and took it quickly and ran away and the cook came back and searched around him and said merrily: ‏It must be Alster ‎.. ‏He is a cheerful young man ‎.. ‏Before I put the sweets in my mouth, ‏someone said behind me: ‏You should not eat sweets now ‎.. ‏I looked back and there was a tall man with red hair behind me and laughed, ‏saying: ‏Sami ‎!!! ‏Forget ‎.. ‏the chef's desserts are irresistible ‎... ‏and after a while we entered my room and wanted to take off my shirt and stopped and looked at him sarcastically, ‏saying: ‏Stay here ‎?! ... ‏He said quietly while he was coming out: ‏I will wait for you outside to not miss any other lesson ‎.. ‏and when I close The door is behind me. ‏I put on normal clothes, "a black jacket and white pants" ‏and put on the hat, ‏then opened the window ‎.. ‏and jumped ‎... ‏Sami looked at his watch and said to himself: ‏He needs all this time ‎!!! .. ‏e ‎.. ‏quickly opened the door and did not find anyone, ‏but he noticed Football book and hurried out ‎...

‏In the corridor, ‏Yami was walking quietly and heard his father’s voice behind him saying: ‏Where is the concealment, ‏Yami? ‏I don’t see him with you ‎.. ‏and Yamees looked back, ‏then stepped back a little and said quietly: ‏My father ‎!! ‏He is riding horses now ‎.. ‏My father said: ‏Good ‎.. ‏How many lessons are there for you? .. ‏And Yami looked at his books, ‏saying: ‏The French language only ‎.. ‏My father smiled and said, ‏as he puts his hand on Yami's shoulder: ‏Go on, ‏son ‎.. ‏well ‎..

‏And in the football stadium, ‏the match was in favor of my team and I shouted, ‏saying while I was running: ‏Pass it to me, ‏Fadi ‎.. ‏and quickly, ‏Fadi, ‏the blond-haired, ‏hit the ball, ‏saying: ‏Let's want a goal ‎... ‏and I received the ball in my chest, ‏and I fought a number of defense players with force I hit the ball and the goalkeeper jumped to block it, ‏but it entered From under his hands and ‎ ‏the audience and the commentator shouted together..and the players gathered around me and said, ‏Fadi, ‏while we were hitting our hands together, ‏said: ‏A wonderful goal, ‏my friend ‎... ‏on my account today ‎.. ‏Come on ‎... ‏

‏In the corridor outside the stadium, ‏Sami was leaning against the wall, ‏shutting his eyes. ‏He said earnestly: ‏Congratulations ‎.. ‏It was a great shot ‎.. ‏I laughed nervously as I approached him, ‏saying: ‏How did you know my place ‎?? .. ‏and he looked at me sarcastically saying: ‏I keep you by heart ‎.. ‏so I said and we Namshi: ‏Do not tell my father, ‏please ‎.. ‏He will be very angry with me and will stress my actions in order not to go out ‎.. ‏Sami said while laughing: ‏Do not worry, ‏I will not tell him ‎.. ‏that I am your friend do not forget ‎.. ‏I jumped on his back, ‏saying cheerfully: ‏Thank you, ‏my friend ‎...

‏And around the city we were walking and talking, ‏and suddenly ‎... ‏I saw her ‎... ‏I saw a blonde girl laughing while she was talking to her two friends, ‏as I thought ‎... ‏and I stopped at my place and Sami stopped saying, ‏strangely: ‏What is wrong with you ‎??? ... ‏but I did not listen to what he said ‎.. ‏I was bewitched by that girl as she pulled her long hair back and passed by my side, ‏and I could not move ‎... ‏or talk to her, ‏and my heart beat so quickly that I heard ‎it.. ‏Sami interrupted me saying: !Alster ‎! ‏I was surprised and looked at him as I saw him for the first time, ‏saying: ‏Sami ‎!! ‏What ‎'s your? ? .. ‏So Sami answered as he was leaving, "Come on quickly, ‏because the ruler will notice your absence ‎... ‏and I followed him, ‏saying, ‏Bashroud: ‏ah ‎. ‏Yes ‎.. ‏Come on ‎.. ‏I looked at her and saw her as she entered the clothes store ‎..‏

‏And the evening fell ‎.. ‏and my father said firmly: ‏I know that you are avoiding your lessons, ‏Alsatr..so I will follow you myself ‎.. ‏I wanted to answer him, ‏but he stopped me with a signal from his hand saying firmly: ‏Do not say something ‎.. ‏Go now ‎.. ‏I feel very tired and I want to rest a little ‎... ‏and my head fell in shame and said, 'Okay,' ‏and I quietly left and my father closed his eyes on the seat‏.

‏I was in my room absent-mindedly by the girl and he knocked on the door ‎.. ‏So I said, ‏while I adjusted my sitting on the bed: ‏Go in ‎.. ‏and Yami entered, ‏saying sadly: ‏Where were you, ‏brother ‎.. ‏I waited for you to race. ‏I indicated to him in my sights, ‏saying: ‏I was in the stadium ‎.. ‏I had a match today ‎.. ‏and we won ‎.. ‏And Yami said in a childish tone: ‏I want to see you, ‏Ulster ‎... ‏and learn football ‎.. ‏so I cheerfully said: ‏Tomorrow I will take you with me ‎.. "And I stood and continued while I remember The shape of the girl, ".. ‏Yami, ‏I saw today a bright sun ‎... ‏Her hair is as blond as the color of gold ‎.. ‏Her smile ‎.. ‏Her smile brings life ‎.. ‏I think this is the love we were hearing about ‎.." ‏And I turned to it ‎.. ‏I will go and update it tomorrow ‎.. ‏Yami ‏was surprised, ‏hesitating, ‏saying: ‏But my brother ‎.. ‏Do you not think that my father will stress you if your absences increase? ‏So I sat next to him, ‏saying: ‏Come with me, ‏my brother.. ‏So he hesitated, ‏saying: ‏It seems that you did not hear what I said ‎.. ‏Well I will come with you to see who stole your mind from you ‎.. ‏and smiled at him, ‏saying: ‏oky tomorrow morning ‎.. ‏use Osama's clothes ‎.. ‏you should not appear, ‏elegantly ‎.. ‏so he smiled and left, ‏saying: ‏I see you in the morning then ‎.. ‏He closed the door and lay on the bed thinking of her ‎.. ‏And Yami entered his room, ‏saying to himself with joy ‎: ‏Finally, ‏I will experience the feeling of freedom without restrictions or guards ‎.. ‏That would be wonderful ‎.....‏