

Memoir:Girl in the mental asylum.
14, November, Thursday, 2015
It started like every other morning. Same routine, same me but different room. It was my room but everyday after school I'd come back to a whole new change or somethings missing. My parents with the same answer when I asked them if they had been in my room.
" honey are you sure you okay, you seem to forget things this days"
There was one way I had to prove to them that I was not mad. I took one of Mason, my brothers spy cameras that he use to spy over the neighbors daughter and displaced it in my room before leaving for school.
The camera had nothing except for the view of a chair, which turned the whole view of the room into a blur. I wish I could scratch my head more and rip my scalp off. No one knew where I had put it, even Mason didn't know I had took his camera. Nice thing is that I got some good scolding for throwing my study table out the window. Funny fact, I didn't do it!
Am I living with a ghost, haha funny.
13, November, Friday 2015
First, yes it is Friday the 13th. It was suppose to be a fun day, my birthday instead of ours. Last night, when I closed my eyes to sleep I got a sick feeling, like I was watched. I opened my eyes and looked around to meet an empty room, no one was there, relief. I turned to cuddle my pillow and met a mirror image of me. Pink, plumb lips, well defined face but the eye color was not mine. I have honey, brown eyes. The left eye was brown, while the other one was..... Red.
Funny part, I didn't freak out. I simply gave in to the mere fact that I was going crazy until she talked to me, a mirror image of me in a ghost firm. She told me she was my twin. That she was killed when we were born because her eyes were thought to symbolize badluck, but that was just a cover up. I finally found the culprit behind the moving of things in my room. All she had to say was :
" on Monday you tripped on the table and hurt your toe. I removed it. Not because it hurt your toe but I like the idea of living camouflaged with the wind. Everytime you get hurt a piece is ripped away from me. That is why you have no scar"
She wanted to live and be loved that's all but the truth was dad sacrificed her. All I had to do was avenge her and kill him, my dad. NOT TO BE TRAPPED IN A MENTAL ASYLUM.

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