

The Sadist...Part 13
“The only man allowed to touch you is Lamier while I’m there. My cock only has one home Jo, and that’s inside you.” Reeves pulls back and slams into me. My legs break free of his hips as he continues to slam into me with all his might. He uses my breasts to pull himself in hard pulling on them. I’ve never felt anything so painful yet pleasing. My legs flop on each side of his hips as he pleases us both using me to his advantage. My eyes lock on his and he has that deep emotionless mask in place. He squeezes my breasts tighter; so much so I think they might be changing color. My orgasm is building, I can’t think straight.
“Reeeeves!” I didn’t think it was possible but he slams into me harder and it’s like being hit by a freight train; my insides shake at his power. I’m going to have bruises after this.
“Who do you belong to Jo?” Each word comes with a body slam to my nether lips.
“You.” Two consecutive slams and his strength increases on my chest.
“Reeves Tollie, I belong to Captain… Reeves Tollie!” I scream his last name as I fall over the abyss into an orgasm. Reeves follows shortly after and slowly releases his grip on my breasts. Within seconds my breasts are all tingly, like a body part that was asleep and is finally getting oxygen flow back into it. I rub my chest against his and pull away. Reeves notices and comes back against me brushing lightly.
“Are you all tingly baby?” It’s the strangest sensation ever!
“Like I’m covered in thousands of little spiders. To touch, not to touch, I don’t know what to do.” Reeves laughs gently when there is a knock at the door. Lamier comes in,
“Donovan is asking for you Reeves, he’s missed you.” Reeves rolls off of me and starts pulling clothes on. I sit up and search for my gown but it’s nowhere to be seen.
“I’ll go to Donovan… Lamier, could you help Jo? Seems her breasts are all tingly, you might need to look at them.” Reeves winks at me before pulling his shirt on and walking out. Devil! Reeves closes the door behind him.
Lamier walks in and sits on the recliner chair across from the foot of the bed.
“Come here little one let me look at you.” I stand and walk over to him. Lamier grabs my hips gently and sits me on his lap so that I’m straddling him, my legs on the chairs arms. I’m spread wide and completely exposed. His fingers gently touch the sides of my breasts and I gasp. Everywhere he touches, the tingles dance. I don’t know where to push against him or pull away. Lamiers hands leave my breasts and swoop down around my ass. He lifts me up with ease so that my breasts are at face level. He nuzzles between them and it tingles. My hips tighten and I grab his head holding him to me. Ever so gently Lamier latches onto a nipple and sucks. I whimper in his arms. Everything he does is the polar opposite to Reeves. He moves to the other and my nether lips clench. My pussy is begging for more. How can she need more? I am spent and at a loss. I whimper in Lamiers lap. His hands loosen on my ass and I slip back down to his lap.
“Tell me what you need Jo.” I lean forward and rest my head against his chest.
“A moment to catch my breath.” Lamier wraps his arms around me and doesn’t speak again. He holds me in silence for so long I almost fall asleep.
“I should go find Donavan before he starts asking questions.” Lamier lifts me up off if him and sets me back on my feet.
“Good idea, transport will be here soon as well. You are going to CTN-4.”
Lamier helped me find my gown, Jia had folded it and placed in on a chair. When I follow Lamier into a room he called a “study” I find Reeves and Donovan sitting across from each other with a chess board between them. They are both deep in thought over the game with the same pinched look on their faces. My boys are so much alike but Donavan does have some of my personality in him. Reeves notices me first and gives me a once over.
“You look happy, all ok?” His eyes turn to Lamier in question. His protective side makes my stomach flip flop.
“I am at the sight of you two. Nothing happened… I just walked in and see you both with the same look on your faces over a board game. I like knowing this will be my life with my boys.” Donovan looks away from the game and puffs out his chest.
“I am not a boy, I am a young man.” I laugh and walk over to him squeezing him up in a tight hug.
“Even on the day you turn 45 and I am old and maybe senile, you will still be my baby.” Donavan grins ear to ear.
“Ok, I can live with that but only because your my mom and I love you.” I kiss his cheeks,
“I love you too.” I turn to look at Reeves and the passion on his face warms my heart.
“The transport will be here soon, CTN-4 is the place I have chosen for our wedding.” I knew I wouldn’t get a say in the matter but a part of me did hope. Reeves reaches across the table and grabs my hand.
“Remember the Dome with all the trees you wanted to swing from? That’s the ones I selected. Is that ok?” He’s trying I’ll give him that. I may not get a say out loud but he knows what I want and makes sure I get it.
“That sounds lovely… Thank you.” Donavan pipes in.
“I get to swing from trees? That’s gonna be so awesome.” Lamier steps closer.
“The transport will be here in 5 minutes Reeves. They had initially said 2 hours but I believe your father may have sped things up. Come on Donovan let’s go get your things.” Donovan goes with him.
“Uncle Lamier, I know I’m moving but you will come visit me right?” Lamier fluffs his hair.
“You know I will Donovan, a little distance won’t get rid of me.” They disappear around the corner as I get to my feet. I feel Reeves’s warmth behind me so I lean back into him. He puts his arms around me.
“Are you ready to go home?” I nod,
“I know this is your home Reeves and I’m not opposed to this place. Small visits and I’ll adjust. Can I ask one thing though?” Reeves doesn’t talk just gives me a squeeze; I mush on.
“When we get back to PMZ-2, can I have my pants back? All these dresses are wearing on me.” Reeves laughs low and deep into his stomach, the effort vibrates my back.
“A relationship is about compromise. You can wear pants whenever you want. I must ask though, during important meetings and dinners that you wear a dress.” I let my head relax against him.
“Of course Captain, your wish is my command.” Reeves leans down and bites my ear, I gasp.
“Be careful with that Jo, you’re playing a dangerous game.” Donavan shouts from the other room.
“Mom, Dad, they’re here!” Reeves lets me go enough to take me by the hand and lead me toward Donavan’s excited voice. I enter the room in time to see Lamier push a button on a wall. The wall slowly slides open to show a transport sliding up against the opening while opening its own side to let us in. It’s much bigger than the transport that took us to Reeves’s home.
“Are we not going to the docking station? This transport looks big enough to leave the dome now.” Reeves doesn’t answer me so I look up at him. He doesn’t look happy at all. He squeezed my hand.
“Something’s happened.” My eyes find Donavan; he’s the closest to the transport. He looks so excited standing there holding his box. Lamier is looking at Reeves, they are speaking without words. Movement in the corner of my eye draws my attention back to the transport. Men dressed in dirty clothes holding guns become visible. I drop Reeves’s hand when they move to take aim on us. Donavan! I run in slow motion across the room to my son. I meant to save him from the bullets but my little warrior is faster than me. Halfway to him he drops his box and pulls out 2 knives. When I’m almost to him he aims as gunshots fill the air. Donovan lets loose his knives one right after the other before I grab him and take him to the ground. Screams fill the air,
“The little bastard got me, abort, abort. Pull away now!” I roll off of Donovan and see Reeves grab one of the men from the transport as Lamier quickly closes the door.
“Fuck Sergio, they have Mickey.” Sergio?!? No, how? How could a small time crook in PMZ-2 get here and know exactly where I am? I jump to my feet and run to Reeves who is beating “Mickey” to a pulp. Lamier tries to grab me and I dodge him. I body check Reeves and send him flying to the side into a wall. Reeves bounces off the wall and back at me like he’s made of rubber. He looks like the blonde angel of death.
I brace to be pummeled but Reeves grabs me by the shoulder and slams me down to the ground. His breathing is heavy and he’s covered in Mickey’s blood. This shouldn’t turn me on but… I’m about to tell Reeves why I stopped hi, when light footsteps run towards us. Reeves jumps up to his knees to defend himself against the invader and I turn to see who it is. Donavan! He is blank faced and holding two knives at the ready toward his father.
“Get off my mom now!” I reach down and squeeze Reeves’ thigh. He takes a deep breath to calm himself.
“Donavan, I would never hurt your mom, she caught me off guard. Lower the knives, take a deep breath, you are in control of yourself.” Donovan looks down at me and gives me a questioning look. I smile at him,
“I’m ok my little warrior, you did amazing but the fight is over for now. Put your knives away.” Donovan nods and lowers his weapons. I slip out from between Reeves’ legs.
“Seriously, how many does he have? Thats 4.” Donavan huffs,
“I just lost two of them mom, they were built just for me.” Mickey gurgles next to us and I grab Reeves to stop him from continuing his beating.
“Reeves don’t! We need to know what he knows. The man on the transport was talking to a Sergio. Those men are from PMZ-2, and they knew exactly where to find us. Sergio was made that I didn’t take the blame for him and…” Reeves waves is hand to stop me.
“I know of Sergio, he has it out for you Jo. He wants you in pain.” I shiver because I know there is more to that.
“But Reeves, how did he and his men get here? Are they going to leave again? Try again? Who helped them?” Reeves climbs to his feet and pulls a device out of his pocket. Before he can talk into it Lamier comes back into the room.
“I’ve already called to shut down all exiting transports. The Guard know you have been attacked. Reinforcements are on the way… What are we going to do with him? We all look down at Mickey who is breathing but now unconscious.
“Can we hide him? We don’t know who got him here and what their plan is. If we give him over to the authorities then we could lose our chance to interrogate him.” Reeves is already lifting him by the shoulders as Lamier goes for his ankles nodding.
“We can tie him up, I have the secret room only you know about. We need to hurry though, it won’t take them long to get here especially after attempting assassination on a Captain of the Guard. Donovan stays glued to my side as we follow them to another room. When we are in the living room they put him down and Lamier walks over to the couch and pushes it to the side. He taps the corner of a large picture in a combination like way. When he is done a door in the wall suddenly appears and springs open.
Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk closer to get a better look. When I reach the door frame Lamier stops and looks back at me.
“Look from here, Donovan doesn’t need to see what’s in here.” I grab Donovan and push him to the side. He growls,
“I am not a baby.” Lamier laughs deep inside the room.
“Don’t worry squirt you will get to see it when your older.” I give my eyes a moment to adjust and see the walls are covered with different little glass enclosures. I can’t see what’s in them so I crane my neck to see the closest one. Curled tight into a small coil is a… SNAKE! He must have a good thirty of them in this room. In the center of the room is some type of table. Next to that is some kind of swing and finally two leather straps that are attached to the ceiling. Seeing these things all in a room surrounded by snakes; my mind runs rampant. He hides this, but why? When Reeves and Lamier comes back into view Lamier is looking right at me. Is he trying to guess what’s going through my mind? My overactive imagination is running, does he choke people out with snakes? Slither them along their body? Does he put one inside? Lamier winks at me and all I can do is give him a blank stare.
“You can ask me later.” Ask him what? I am about to say as much but as soon as Lamier closes the door Reeves moves the couch back in front of the hidden door. A huge bang explodes through the house and running feet are everywhere. I scream and grab Donovan diving beside the couch. At least a dozen men of the Guard fill the living room with guns drawn. An older man with short cropped hair steps forward.
“Captain Tollie, Lieutenant Vanolin, we came as quickly as we could. Are you alright? Donavan pushes around me and puffs his chest.
“I sunk a knife into two of them, they will need medical attention.” The man looks down at Donovan and nods.
“Good job son, we will notify all medical stations to be on the alert for knife wounds. What do we know?” Reeves looks back at me and down since I’m still hiding on the floor beside the couch. My adrenaline has worn off, I’m scared. I’m a fist fight, knife kind of girl, not bullets. Reeves extends his hand and I walk to him. I don’t give two shits if these men think I’m weak. I wrap my arms around him and glue myself to his side.
“Tell them what you know Jo.” Does he want me to be completely honest? We didn’t talk about this.
“I heard one of the men yelling into his radio to someone named Sergio. They wore clothes like from my Dome. I know a Sergio, once upon a time we were friends. I don’t know if he is after me or my family.” Reeves squeezes me tight.
“When you ran for Donavan, they open fired on only Lamier and myself. I fear they meant to kidnap you. Donovan was off to the side so they didn’t see him until he let loose his knives.” I shiver, that fucker, what’s his problem?
“Ok, what I did really wasn’t that bad, especially when I didn’t do anything.” The older man shrugs,
“Men can be petty, sometimes worse than women I’ve discovered. What happened?” I remember back,
“He broke the rules and I happened to see it go down. The Guard caught him and he wanted me to lie to him. It was an open closed case. I wouldn’t lie for him, I didn’t want to be detained. The things that would have happened to me.” Reeves jumps in,
“Nothing would have happened to you.” I shrug,
“But I didn’t know that, at the time. I hadn’t done anything wrong, he did and I let him go down. Did I mention it’s a rule between us? If you get caught you go down alone. The bastard!” Reeves hands me back to Lamier,
“Lieutenant Vanolin, I am taking my family back to PMZ-2 today. My men are already there. Spread the word that if Sergio is killed, they will have to deal with me.” Vanolins eyes widen a bit before he nods.
“It will be done Captain. I called about word on your actual transport. Report states your going to CTN-4.” Reeves waves his hand dismissively.