

Get inspired by what is out there!
Hello everyone time for another article about writing! I want everyone to stop and think back. What was your favorite book? Has it effected your writing?

The answer more often than not is YES!

You may not believe it but I encourage everyone find those well read tomes of a time long past reread them. Pick apart that storyline or character your going to find pieces of that book somewhere in your own work. I bet your wondering why I am having you do this and how it relates to today's article.

It is a proven fact that we pick things up from what we read after all that is one of the basic ways we learn when it comes to writing it is no different.

I like to use examples from my life and it doesn't matter where I find them but if I am not careful I am going to get off topic. So here I am currently trying to figure out amazon's affiliate program and book series that I had come across in high school pops up as one of the ad options it is called the ranger's apprentice I am thanking neat something I know.

When I pull it up just to make sure it is what I am thinking of and start reading the product description I am stopped about halfway through by the mention of the reluctant apprentice's equipment a malted camo cloak. I remember falling in love with the idea of that item when I made characters on roleplay sites or just writing stories in general at least someone ended up in a cloak.

I probably went a little overboard with it looking back but it had a lasting impression and still does as one of my current stories I have considered putting a hooded man in a tavern to meet up with the heroine and her young charge.

So I say let yourself be influenced with moderation by the works around you that have made it where you hope to trod maybe it will help you know where your story needs to go or point out where a character maybe lacking?

If you want to pick up the series or just the first book just visit wolfingtonbook.wordpress.com and select this article there are links to them there