

what do you expect?
Ram! Ram! Pranam. I was today teaching class 12 English textbook. There comes a lesson Manage Your Stress. In these lesson there is a sentence talking about exam nerves. According to the chapter, mind body and brain are interlinked. To support this statement, there is given one case of exam. We prepare and ready all the stuff. But when we enter into the exam hall, we start thinking emotionally. Here is one phrase, ' expecting difficulty '. We generally mean expect means demand. One meaning we can do like this. I expect good performance, means I have demand of good performance. Sometimes there are no pains or troubles on the way to success but we expect and we get. Then we call it bad luck. Actually most of time we unnecessarily expect and so we get. That's why it is quite reasonable to expect good. If our demand is not fulfilled, it's ok. And if our demand is fulfilled, it's also ok. We are not in loss from either side. But if we expect bad, and it is fulfilled, we will be in trouble. And if it is not fulfilled, still a doubt or fear will not leave us quickly. It's said that the existence gives us what we demand from the bottom of our heart. Trust and doubt both arise from the bottom of the heart. So it's too good not to expect anything, but if we can't remain without expectations, we must expect good. In this case we will be never in loss. Think sincerely, Ram! Ram! Pranam
© hitesh kanubhai shukla