

My Own Human Revolution
Nowadays I'm training myself to be more compassionate, humility, and to be more calm. I'm training myself not to entertain some emotions like for example my own temper. The things that make me really angry are cruelty and arrogance. And this too I'm trying to deeply understand. There might be some reasons why some people are cruel. And I think they're not too good in dealing with their own demon. I believed in cause and effect. I abide in this law.

It is not a question of what kind of environment I had/have or those people around me. To be swayed by such externals is pointless. It all comes down to me. What matters is that I must become a brilliant beacon, shining with joy and happiness, and live my life with confidence and courage. If I shine with a radiant light, there can be no darkness in my life. But it's a struggle. It takes a lot of hard work. A lot of self training, practice. It should be seen in action. It's truly my own revolution. Myself. If each person aim this as their own human revolution, I think this world will gonna be a better place.

© 2020 BeeHummingbird