

hidden in plain sight (tempting)
currently coming back from Suzanne with our son Charlie it was fun as for Sue not so sure since she can't remember a thing probably am not so sure anymore I know I should stop administering the medication but the fact that she saw me murder her parents stops me
kneeling down to his level I give him the warmest hug I can master realising him I offer him the brightest smile I can provide as expected Charlie doesn't return it he knows what always comes next but I can't give in I don't want him feeling as though Sue hates him can't give her another reason to hold back we both know I always have my way just have to play along with this for Harry's sake I still need him till next month
hey big guy I'll see you in two days be very good
why can't I come to your room or office it's not like you're leaving the house
I told you I'll allow you in just give me some time
the vibration from my pocket better be worth it waving Charlie away I make my way to my office pushing a few buttons from my safe the walls open reavling the stairs am fond of am met with the sight of Kevin should have known only he likes to piss me off with contacting me I remember making myself clear my line is only for emergency that's why I still carry it
ignoring Kevin pathetic greeting I make my way for the gun am definitely going to kill him
Reese before you do anything I didn't call you for no reason I have the guys you wanted here
smart guy I thought you were tired of living
opening the first door of the basement I guess he didn't want to waste my time am met with 9foolish boys who should be older than me but think lesser than Charlie thought they could spy on me this should be exciting with my gun I shot the first two hang two more skipping the fifth guy he seems tough getting to the next two I slot their throat the last two chainsaw does the job
now back to Lucky number five it's a pity he seems scared now I was hopping to find the big bad Wolf is still within him sad
but it still turned out in my favour he offered to put a chip in him after he begged me to hire him I could have said no but charlie was so happy so I aggread to hire Roland
I haven't had a single visit in the past weeks I feel like I might go crazy no one to talk to even the television seems to be broken no signs of my parents I tried sneaking out through the back door only to find more guards I can't take it anymore today I found a wedding ring on my finger I don't know why but I can't seem to be rid of it Percy called to encourage me of my escape plan but I think waiting for my parents seems logical Right?