

Gone To Everyone?
Please Read All⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️❤❤❤

Hey guys! This is not something I usually write, but I decided to share it with you. So I moved away a couple of months ago. I was excited at first. A brand new and bigger house! But after a while I realized something. I wasn't getting invited to things. Well, I went to one of my best friends house 2 days ago. We've been friends since 1st Grade. But I saw so many pictures at her house that where recent at partys...But there was no me. I talked to my mom about it and she said that I was just out of the circle. 😭😭😭. At my new school I only had a quarter of school before this quarantine started. I didn't really get a chance to meet anyone. Basically, I was gone to everyone. But to any of my friends that may or may not be seeing this, I just want you to know... I'll be here whenever your ready. I'll wait for you when your ready. I'll wait as long as I have to....

© Pandalover-fan57