

Triple Talaak Request to all muslims
My self saira bano,iam an proud indian muslim, whose been victim of instant triple talaak, Iam very thankful to pm mr modi, who has passed d law against instant triple
My husband gve me instant triple talaak verbally, as he is shorttempered, he got angry nd gve me triple talaak, on one sitting as our shairyat also doesnt give d permission to give instant talaak

Any country has its laws nd acts nd especially constitution, for every criminal acts or illegal acts dere is law, punishment,
Law for harrasement, rape ,crime,corruption,inspite of all laws, still criminals do crime,but its doesnt mean dey shld b given licence to do crime easily

As my husband gave instant triple talaak, i approached to court not to mullana, if i had approached to mullana, he had told me to go for halala ,which is not acceptable for me, nd modi govt gve me law nd nd file d case against my husband,nd i got justice

Indian muslims dont believe in law ,dey beleive whatever is happening in shariyat, let it b it shld keep happening, if husband gives triple talaak ,let it b, keep on giving, dey feel its an interference in dere shariyat, but when modi govt banned triple instant talaak ,

i dont understand y dese some educated females opposed,
In shariyat also triple instant talaak is not allowed, so modi govt applied nd brought law nd act who will break dis law will b punishedl

So y dey r opposing ,its according to shariyat only, ?
nd more imp i wnt to ask dose females who oppose it, may dey r happily married, only one question to dem if dey were in my place, what dey hve done, some females can accept husband second maariage, but can dey accept if husband does hve second marriage, still gives u instant triple talaak, what security u hve ? What u hve done? Hve u go thrigh halala ???

Am thankful to modi govt to pass such law nd act of punishment to dose husband who misuse d shariyat nd give instant talaak nd victims to get dere husband bck hve to go thrugh halala, its an shameful act for an respectful women.

Morever if u speak to such indian muslims who r opposing instant talaak dey dont hve anything to argue, dey will start comparing dis with hindus,

For dem i just wnt to inform dem plz stop comparing with hindus, Hindus already had hindu marriage act nd legal divorce act nd all rituals like balvivaah nd sati had already banned nd stppod by constitution nd by govt long bck dey had law nd act if still such thing is happening dey hve d power to approach to court nd file against dem.

And morever almost all islamic countries even in pakistan had banned instant triple talaak, y in india its opposing,???
Now because of pm modi indian muslims got one law nd act of punishment nd proper divorce procedure.
Plz forward dis msg to maximum indian muslim females nd males too nd make dem aware of dis
Jai Hind

© Geetika Gupta