

Days - Chapter 6
( Early morning )

Ben's Point of View

( Casting a spell for 30 minutes is quite tiring ) I said as I stretched my body from keeping the same sitting position for such a long time.
Thinking that after moving in this apartment I just got yesterday I immediately got myself busy with so many things that I barely rested at all, feeling exhausted I grabbed myself a glass of water from the kitchen and walked back to the living room and drank it as if it was water from the river of Eden, I collapsed on the sofa still wearing the same clothes that I had on since yesterday. I could not be bothered to walk to my room to get changed and sleep on a proper comfortable bed, even though it was just a few steps away but not sleeping for so long took a toll on me along with casting spells here and there, knowing that I have to attend school a few hours from now does not really help.
I woke up three hours or so later from someone ringing my doorbell, I lazily get up and walk to the door and opened it not even bothering to check who it was. It was just the landlord who came to explain some details he forgot to inform me beforehand, as he gives his explanations about the apartment the sudden thought of school popped in my head, I checked the time on my wrist watch and had plenty of time to get ready without rushing, I thanked the landlord and bid him goodbye, I got myself ready and headed out to school which was just a block away. While walking there, I can see that some people would look at me or stare, I wondered if there was something wrong with my clothing or if something was on my face but that wasn't anything new, I still don't know why I can't get use to it, I shrugged it off and started going through the images and information I got from my 30 minutes labour to distract myself. As I was nearing the school gate I sensed a fellow Aamngkro getting closer, instinctively closing my inner core to prevent my Kluuwa from emerging or leaking, but this also prevents me from sensing others, I looked around to know where it came from, remembering the pace it was approaching it became obvious that it was coming from a girl who was running towards the gate's direction, which she then jumps to greet her friend, who I seem to recall from the information I have gathered is my classmate, Maya.
I have a feeling that Maya's friend had noticed me before I had closed my core, and attempts to look for me as she sharpens her senses, but as it was not possible she brushed it off, I placed my phone back in my pocket and continued walking, a few steps away from Maya I felt a weird sensation from her, this made me wonder of such possibility.
I wanted to confirm something but I did not know how to do so, since I haven't had a long or close interaction with anyone unless needed, to sum it up, I have no friends which I don't know how to not be awkward or approach someone.
I walked up behind Maya who was rummaging inside her bag, only getting close to her did I notice how short she was, it was quite cute. Her friend notices me, I lifted my hand making a half Hitler salute, which made me want to face palm myself, I played it cool and grabbed on her back shirt's colar by instinct slowly dragging her backwards, her friend not even batting an eyelash who then waves us goodbye and leaves to go to her class, which I found such convenience so that I would not need to explain myself. Maya lifts her head to look at me, she gives me a weird look and shrugs herself away from my grasp, she turns to me a little annoyed and says she doesn't know me, I was quite surprised from her reply which gave me a stronger proof that she's the shattered Diata.
Being with her for a few minutes I have felt a small fraction of her energy, not very weak but not in the best condition, getting closer to the girls changing room I had thought that she would have left as soon as we passed it but halfway in the small corridor just a few steps inside the men's changing room she was still following me, I doubted myself and thought that she wouldn't be this bold to actually go inside the men's changing room, is she? It seems that Maya had her head in the clouds still following me, I paused making her hit my back which snaps her back to reality and teased her, she then jokes about my physical qualities as she turns away to escape being seen following me inside the men's changing room, the sudden urge of wanting to tease her more for amusement surged, I grabbed her back collar once more and drag her in the men's changing room since I know no one was inside, her reaction is quite funny, but little did I know that she would pull away hard, thus, her shirt's buttons ripping... making this quite awkward.

Well despite being short, she has other areas that has potential...

© every second is yours