

Is it lonely up there ?
Really,is it lonely up there ? You stand there with nowhere to go and nobody to talk to ? Is it torturous to have no one because no one can be as great and omnis ient as you ? Is it torturous ? In the endless silence,do you ever want to die ?
Who do you talk to when your mood darkens ? Do you ever have a syddwn want to show someone aomething before there's no one with you.Are we your only entertainment ?
Sometimes,I think you got to paradise too soon.I wonder,if ultimate paradise isn't just another kind of hell.I wouldn't wish your luck upin my worst enemy.
Do you yearn to be something different,dare I say human ? Come down and enjoy living for onr day ? They say you decide everything.My dear,only your 'everything' has been decided.
You live a jaded life,unable to do anything outside of what's been designated for you ?Do you play a game with us ? Tell a story ? That would explain so much .Do you delude yourswlf into thinking that you are just like us ? In the steady state of freefall,one can almost forget the inevotable end.Then again,you don't have an ending,do you ?
Do you know how integral friends are to one's life ? How deliriously awesome it is to laugh with them ? You want everything to end until there is nothing left but beautiful darkness.
In the deep recesses of your mind,you know there's nothing for you.There never was.