

Love Unconditionally

You'll realize a person's worth
When they appear like a magician
Like a ghost in the wind
It is how they have always been

It's an illusion, too much confusion
Pain, frustration when you're lost
Scream, help, silence was your friend
No one answered, no one came

Not a ghost in the machine
The machine doesn't play games
People are the ghost in the wind
Come and go, they only see their worth

They believe you aren't worthy
Leave, value when they're gone
Who, what, where, and when
Only a man would threaten this

You are man, and what do you mean
See value when your gone
Problem is you never showed up
All my life I've been the knight

There's no ghost in the value of my love
I am woman, finally know my worth
Do you not see the value of me
Idle words, action for them

Threaten my heart, with what
It's your game, love me, you mean them
Run around saying I don't see
"You have to take risks"

Do you not see, risks is what destroyed me
Took my car, my rent, left me to die
Ate my love up and spat it out
So blinded by them, you don't see me

You don't see I am woman
Heart is golden, loves exponentially
Ride or die, no not my game
No game in being a ghost in the wind

Take your love away then, what love
My value you miss, hiding in the crowd
All I've ever done is allow men to hurt me
Threaten me with leaving, then go ahead

Undervalued, left for dead, by everyone
Tell me I don't care, yet hide
Hidden in the crowd, you want me to seek
All my life that was me, chasing a dream

Dreams of who? Black, white or yellow
Another lame who only sees himself
Who threatens me with more pain
Knows his worth yet undervalues mine

Transparency is what I crave, a dream
A vision that one day, no longer a ghost
Like a magician, poof, I see the beauty
The man who loves me unconditionally

Do not ever throw your ghost at me
With idle words, no action so I see
A man telling me I must risk it for him
Go then that was never my dream or desire

You believe I need to risk it for you
Or is it a risk for your money and fame
To hell with outwardly things
It's your heart in your hands I seek

Transparency is key, stand tall
You forgot, how priceless I am
What real King says such a thing
To the woman, he says he wants as Queen

You keep being average in the crowd
I'm not a fan, never will be, they don't love
They just praise the rubber band banks
For if the money disappears, so will they

But not me, I would die for a man
Put my life under the guillotine
Give my soul, protect your honor
Never allow you to know unlovable

But you don't feel or see the value I bring
Your ego doesn't see my love or me
Threaten me that I don't see, see what
That you want me to be a fan in the crowd

You don't believe I'm worthy of your heart
All you do is hide in the crowd
Want me to pick you out
I hold my head high, value myself

All you see is a fight, no it's called pride
I am not just a figure in the crowd
That's all I've ever been, a chaser
Seek, chase what value is that, just a fan

Just another woman to do as you say
I seek a man who does what his heart tells
Your heart isn't transparent in your hands
You don't want me, you want them

The cheering, the look at the King
The cameras you put first, not me
For you see me as a groupie, not true love
It would've taken my hand, been lost

Love that is lost, blaming and threatening
I won't know what I had til it's gone
But I never had it, you choose the crowd
Your game I've played, I seek a soulmate

Not just a man in the crowd
The one who's not afraid to show his eyes
Allow my face to see his without them
Chivalry I seek, a knight in armor

A man who sees my past pains
Never could he fix, no need, I did
When I promised that I'll no one
No one before I love myself

If a man doesn't see the only truth in me
Kill my soul for eternity to save you
You believe in a camera and them
Want to show them you found me

You cannot save me, cannot use things
I don't need to be saved by your love
I did that already because I know my love
My heart cannot be found anywhere else

My love is pure, old-fashioned, real
Not like the one that needs cameras
Not a love that needs anyone but him
The one who equally takes my hand first

Why can you not see me, threaten me
You broke the heart you say you want
Keeping your love, tell me I'm not enough
I'm not enough if I don't obey and display

My beauty, my spirit, my fight is real
Transparent when you need peace
When your tired, your old, who will be
Do you believe the camera and fans will be

I guess your love is really for them then
If your heart was true, just for me but not
So used to them that you can't see me
You only believe, if I step out for them

Your ego loves the camera so much
If the one you love doesn't step out
Out for them and the 1, 2, 3 action
Then who are you impressing

You never asked me out on a date
Never courted me, introduced yourself
Showed me the man not the ghost
Expect me to step down first then out

Stop blaming him, my purse isn't lowered
It will be if I let you take my worth
Give it to the camera, to them
Before you can love me intimately

That's my entire life's intimacy
Do as the man says if you want his love
No I'm a lady, I will not chase
For once, finally, I believe in my worth

I believe what I want comes first period
First time in my life, I put me first
Do you even know the value in a woman
A true ride or die till eternity

Are they going to take care when your sick
When your old, they'll be the ghost
I'll be the one doing everything for you
Taking care when they're all gone

It will just be you and I, no one else
If you can't bring yourself to see
There's no family values left
Everyone just wants the camera, the fame

Then we wonder why they run away
Run when life gets tough, a ghost is them
When you need it most, they'll leave
Go to another person who the camera sees

When you're non-existent to them
That's when you'll see me, all alone
No wife, no love by your side being kind
You are correct, you don't see my worth

When it's gone, taken by the one who sees
Then will you see I was worth your heart
Then you'll regret, not being equally loved
By a woman who gave her life to you

Not to them, a camera or anyone else
True love needs not shine for them
Not if it hasn't shown it's brightness
To me only, first, that's my greed

So used to them you can't see
Wanting just you without anything else
Is the most intimate love in the world
The most special thing is when you can

Leave the camera, leave it all, only see me
Time should stand still, no one exists
When you touch my cheek, look into eyes
Take my hand and lay down next to me

That is why the fame, the fans can't be
Never in my life has a man seen only me
Loved me so much, he saw only me
Would never want to share my first touch

Share me with a camera or them
Want me all to himself, selfish
I will not, not be selfish in my love for me
You see, you see them not only me

You bring influencers, instead of yourself
Why do I get bullied by them
Why can't you come as you, just you
Influencinh is bullying my love

Letting others show me you, isn't you
It's the fans, camera, the you without me
Then stay that way, lonely using them
Allowing others to point in my fear

Shame that you can't do the same
I say together, you say alone
Love intimately, when they're all gone
Go ahead wait that long, without me

Go grab the one already for the camera
The one who puts intimacy second
I don't care anymore, no one will bully
Take my love for the show, not for him

When you get used to needing the show
The camera lights action, that's all you see
Then them them ugly looks at me
Because I will not conform

Love is connected through all of us
Ah yes but not love intimately
That's for only two to become one
No lights camera action or them required

Simply, easily two people lost in love
Two people who only see each other
Lost in the look, the touch, the chivalry
That only a Knight can see

For after a battle, he does not seek them
He does not seek many, only the one
The one that holds his tired mind & body
The love that needs no Easy-E on stage

Busy with the image until he saw death
That's when he realized what he missed
Always a stage, never just them intimate
The softness of her love no camera in sight

Funny thing about the camera and fame
It gets so used to the shine, it forgets
Misses that the intimate touch is enough
Far more beautiful then any stage

Beautiful enough to give love
Put a mans heart in hand and give it
That is the softest action of love
In a world of pain, a world Easy didn't see until death came upon him

So sad for men to be so hard
Be so strong that they run from intimacy
That they forget to put the sword down
Leave it behind, let it be blind, give love

Give it in the most uncomfortable
To have to stand alone in front of her
Heart in hand, confronted with intimacy
The camera doth not scare me

Me alone, you as the little boy, vulnerable
That's what I seek, that's why you front
Why you use the stage like Easy-E
Show me off, no show me I'm the only The one who owns your heart for eternity