


“I was walking in the midst of people, having a lot of fun with my friends, not realizing that will be the end of me seeing them”.

“I started feeling uncomfortable, my hands was really cold I was wondering what was happening to me.

“I felt fidgeted, and really nervous about my strange body. I didn't realize earth will soon vanished.

“suddenly, the earth was covered with a thick darkness, everyone find it so hard to see each other, fear covered everyone faces, some mistakenly collide with each other...... I was worried, I was in a state of dilemma, I don't know what to do. my heart was pumping really fast why? I'm confused, I was devastated! I couldn't save my friends. the people I love was vanishing from my face.

"gigantic thorns was coming from a mysterious place, killing a lots of people, my beloved friends was screaming my name aloud. I tried to run close to them. but my legs wasn't moving. blood, gushing out from their bodies. I couldn't save them, but I was amazed why such things isn't happening to me...

“Within the twinkling of an eye, the sky turned red it was really bright. people who glanced through it became blind, some was screaming aloud, they couldn't bear the brightness of the light entering into their ocular(eyes). but nothing happened to me. I just felt some thorns entering into my palm I was in tears thinking “I will soon kick the bucket”.(meaning To die).

“immediately the thorns entered my hands I couldn't control myself anymore. I can see myself teleporting anywhere I imagined in my mind. it was like a nightmare to me but its not.

"The sky changed again, but this time it was different, you can't say maybe it is yellow or grey it is non negotiable.
to my surprise it was a gigantic asteroid coming with a great speed, accelerating really fast.

“It was covered with a lot of flames around its body. immediately it struck earth, this caused a great earthquake, a great pandemonium occur this time around. it was different from the first, innocent humans they broke into pieces the asteroid shattering their bodies all around.

“my soul was filled with sorrow I hid myself in a wretched house, the building looks as if it was built a centuries ago. big rat scattering everywhere I was more triggered and really frightened, my face was filled with horror. I tried running with my whole body. my body was covered with cobwebs. the cobwebs was strong as a rope it tightened my whole body, it was really difficult for me to move, I felt so uncomfortable I couldn't take this anymore I screamed so loudly, I heard the echo of my voice”.

“suddenly I became really strong my muscles was so hard even a rock can't break it. the cobwebs left my body due to my powers I started super speeding, I saved those that was still alive, but I wasn't the one given the powers alone. I could slightly see some superheroes, but unfortunately they all died. the heat was really strong for them to bear.”

"I don't give a damn about that! I'm more powerful than them. the heat of the asteroid burned them to ashes, I use a shield to covered the flame from burning those people that survived. I saved about 50 people, the more I'm using the shield with my powers the more I'm getting weaker”.

“I couldn't take this anymore I don't want to give up, I don't want my families to vanished but I have no strength in me no more, the flames was really powerful. I regretted I gave up due to my weakness. the flames overcame my Powers and destroyed my families and other people”.

“I was getting more weaker, my eye lid started closing. I can feel I will soon gave up the ghost. the sky changed again this time but it was more mysterious than before, it parted into two. it was really bright, and really beautiful. I can hardly see people with wings coming out from it. with trumpets in their hands. they are angels. they are looking for saints who gave their life to the kings of kings and obey his instructions, and those who kept his ordinances while on earth”.

“In their hands they were gigantic book. It was the book of life. it was really huge, about ten inches long. they blew the trumpets, those people that died through the earthquake, thorns, asteroid and flames resurrected. immediately they blew the trumpets I saw my soul coming out from my body. it was really confusing, I couldn't bring it back”.

“Again the angels was holding a key in their hands and a chain, what are this actually for? The key is for the bottomless pit while the chain is to bind the devil and his angels.”

“Beside them, was the king of kings. his voice was just like that of thunder, his eyes was covered with lightening. if u stare too long you will be blind.
“on his head was a crown covered with diamond and made up of Gold shining really bright. he sat on his throne with a scepter in his hands. He instructed the angels to call the names of people that was in the book of life.
without hesitation the angels did so as instructed by their king.”

“my name was among those who entered his kingdom. a secret portal was opened, when our names was mentioned from the book of life”.

“inside the portal there was a city, it was really different than the skyscraper on earth, it was made of pure gold. The wall was built of jasper, and was clear as glass. it was the most beautiful building have ever seen in my life. the second portal, was made of sapphire, the third portal was made of emerald”.

“when will are all in the portals the angels gathered together and all souls., we were all in white apparel , waiting for the kings of kings to appear.

“immediately he appeared, all his cloths was made of gold and crystal it was shining really bright. the brightness was like that of sun, and the glowing was like that of stars”.

“we all fell to ground bowing our heads, singing melodies and making sublimation. immediately we worshipped him he was given a great power, devil can't comprehend him.

“as far as, I could remember those whose name was written in the book of life was taken as captive by devil and his horrible angels, their face was made of dark metal,

“their thorns was 10 inches long. they are really disgusting...... the angels bind the devil, his angels and people whose name wasn't written in the book of life, of the king of kings, with chain made of flames. he tightens them together, the devil groans and shouted aloud! , his voice was heard from other planets and in heaven.

“he looks weak and weary he couldn't resist the chain. The angels cast them into the bottomless pit and it was locked with a key made of pure silver in their hands.

“By then he was given the power! to torment his people who obeyed his voice he tormented them with a spear which is 10 cubit long .....

“A lot of people groan in agony but am safe and secure I was in heaven, because my name was in the book of life”..........

“Devil keep on tormenting them forever and ever”......

“Thanks for reading don't forget to hit the like button and follow me.”