

I am not different
Owami Ngwenya was 17years old and she was blind and deaf.Owami was living with her Zandile mother and stepfather.Judas was always raping her like she was raped and her mother didn't do anything.Owami's Aunty used to visit her and she knew something was wrong.Today Owami was vomiting so Judas took her to the doctor and they found out that she was pregnant so Judas wanted the baby and Owami didn't know what was happening to her as she was uneducated and now as she was pregnant her mother and her stepfather they locked her inside the room while they told people that Zandile is going to have the baby. On 9 August Owami gave birth to a baby girl so her parents named her Thando while Owami didn't knew what was happening like she was a person but who was dead.Owami 's aunty came and she saw Owami with big boobs and there was a change in her body so she kept quiet . When times goes Thando was growing and she was close to her sister Owami while her parents didn't like that.Thando taught Owami how to speak with sign language and how to communicate with other people.Owami's father came and he saw that her daughter was struggling so he took her daughter.Owami's father was working in overseas so her sister came to see Owami and he was told that Owami was abused.Owami 's father took her and the got her a best treatment so her eyes can be clear so she can see and hear but she can't talk so her father sent her to school and she was 31 years old . While she was at school she learnt everything about her pregnancy it when she told her father.Ngwenya went to Zandile to talk to her because Owami was always talking about Zandile denied so the matter went to court were the DNA proves that Thando was Owami's daughter so Thando was hurt and happy at the same time so Zandile and Judas went to jail while Ngwenya took care of her daughter and granddaughter.
Deaf people are same people just like us so don't take advantage of them just love them they way they are
I LOVE YOU ❣️❣️❣️💕💕💕😍😍😍