

Spy Squirrel: Part 1
The doctors rushed me into the hospital on the stretcher, I was attached with-various IV lines and monitors. The beeping of machines filled the room as medical staff worked quickly to stabilize me. I could feel the panic rising in my chest as I tried to focus on the voices around me, their urgent words blending together into a jumble of noise. The last thing I remember was a loud noise, fire, and then darkness.

"Stay with us!" The doctors said. I fought to keep my eyes open, clinging to consciousness as they worked tirelessly to save me. The fear clawed at my mind, but I forced myself to stay calm, trusting in the expertise of the medical team surrounding me.

"HE'S FLATLINING!" And then everything went black. It felt like I was floating in space, disconnected from my body and all sense of time. I could hear distant voices calling my name, urging me to come back, but I felt myself drifting further and further away.
After what seemed like ages, the doctors finally decided to administer CPR. I could feel the pressure of their hands on my chest, the rhythm of their compressions echoing in my ears. Each compression felt like a lifeline, pulling me back from the edge of death. I fought to regain consciousness, to come back to the world of the living. But no success.

Just as they were about to give up, a doctor with a mask came in, he handed one of the nurses a syringe. "Use this!" He says. The nurses grab the syringe. Reading the note on the side. "Squirrel DNA? "

The doctor nods. "You have no choice! It's the only way, hurry!"

The nurses injected the syringe of squirrel DNA into my IV line, and suddenly I felt a surge of energy coursing through my veins. My heart rate spiked, and the monitors began beeping frantically. The medical team sprang into action, adjusting the settings on the machines as they worked to stabilize me once again.

To everyone's amazement, my heart rate stabilized, and the monitors showed signs of life returning to my body. Slowly, I began to regain consciousness, the darkness receding as I came back to the world. I could hear the relieved murmurs of the medical staff around me, their faces a mix of shock and awe.

"Ugh…what-what happened?" I ask, slowly sitting up. I grunted in pain. "Where am I!?" I started to freak out

"You're in the hospital, you had a near-death experience but you're stable now," the doctor said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I looked around the room, still feeling a bit disoriented, but grateful to be alive. The memory of floating in darkness and hearing the voices calling me back lingered in my mind, a reminder of how close I had come to death.

"Your house exploded…somebody tried to kill you!"

My heart skipped a beat as the doctor's words sank in. I couldn't believe it, someone had tried to kill me. Who would want to harm me? The thought sent shivers down my spine, but I pushed the fear aside.

"Who…who did this?" I asked, my voice shaking with a mixture of anger and fear.

"We're still investigating, but right now your main focus should be on recovering. You're lucky to be alive," the doctor said, his expression serious.

"How can this be…you saved me!!" I said, sounding surprised. "How?"

The doctor smiled gently. "We did everything we could to save you, and sometimes that means trying unconventional methods. The squirrel DNA injection was a last-ditch effort, and it seemed to have worked. You're a fighter, and you fought your way back from the brink of death."

I nodded, still processing everything that had happened. The thought of someone trying to kill me was unsettling, but I was grateful to be alive.

The doctors left the room to give me some space. I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I heard the doctor talking outside from my room, I could hear every word they were saying, as if they were talking in front of me.

"They're lucky to still be alive, that explosion was no joke," one doctor said.

"Yeah, we pulled out all the stops to save them. That squirrel DNA injection was a risky move, but it paid off," another doctor replied.

"I just hope they'll be able to recover mentally from this trauma. It's not easy to survive a murder attempt," the first doctor said solemnly.

I lay in my bed trying to remember the events that took place before the explosion happened, but I couldn't remember. One of the doctors came in.

"Alright, you'll need to stay here for a few days. Do you think you can tell me what happened?"

The doctors asked. I myself am trying to remember. The doctor sighed.

"What is your name?" He says.

"My name is…is…my name…I am…"

I struggled to remember, my mind feeling fuzzy and disoriented. The doctor looked at me with concern, gently placing a hand on my arm.

"It's okay if you can't remember right now, it's common after a traumatic event like this. Take your time, and when you're ready, we can try again," the doctor said reassuringly.

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