

continuance on Bella my service dog
Bella is well known around my town, everyone knows Bella they remember her more then me witch is fine. Bella has some besties where i live, and beleive it or not they are people.. 1 is my mom , 2nd is chris, 3 is james, and the rest are doggy friends. She goes nuts when i say nanna (my mom) comming she loves my mom. She hates the rain but doesn't mind the snow, If it is raining out she will do her pees but refuse too poop lol i know my dog is weird but she is my weirdo. She loves playing with other dogs now sense all the hardcore training she went threw, i use to bring her to a dog park. She made alot of friends over that period of time, it was great seeing her run and play and enjoy it and not be scared anymore. She 100 percent better then when i first got it, the hard work paid off.

I want to tell you her fun stories fishing sense i didnt get into that subject before, she really never use to like to go past her feet unless i was out swimming with her. I started to fish again this last summer hadn't been in what seemed forever, well the spot we went too diffently was over her head in spots, well the fist fish i chaught oviously she wanted it. But fish have bones so i really didn't want her having it, i threw it back into the water and to my surprise Bella went running in to where the fish landed in the water and was looking for it LMAO. Boy did she want it, in the shallow part fish would swim up and she would see them and they of chorse teased her and she was so focosed on trying to get thoes fish. One time she would stand on a rock in the water and was littlerly trying to teach herself to dive under so she could get the fish, I was releasing one and as i did she went completly under the water, i wished i had got in on video, she would go from 1 side to the other following the fish and trying to get them. And when me or my boyfriend would catch one we had to make sure it was past her height or she could jump and boy she has springs in her feet, she has manged to get a few fish from us and boy the chase was always on lol. She knew we wouldn't go into the water so she stayed in the water it was the harlious time, i know poor fish she didn't let go easily she would clenth her mouth so we could not open it. I came up with how to get them i always had a straw from my drink so i would get her and just put the straw enough where it would irritate her and she would drop the fish.... she was a turd sometimes cause we had a person that would come fish near us and she would try to get his fish as well. I had to tell him few times cause it was like he would tease her and i had to say don't do that im trying to get her not to jump and get the fish so please stop. I eventually got it to where when i got one or chris did i would make her sit and i would take fish off the hook and she could go in water once i tossed it back.
She and i have had many adventures, that i plan to share with you, feel free to comment