

Mistakes made by teenage girls
A teen is a person between childhood and adulthood. This is the period during which young adults tend to undergo both physical and emotional changes which may affect their reasoning, decisions and lifestyle. Most of the teens learn about these changes on their own as parents or guardians shy away from engaging such topics especially to do with opposite gender. The teen either learns from friends, guidance and counseling, internet or out of their own experience. This teen years are most important in one's life as one tends to make most of the major decisions that may have effect in later life. Decisions on careers, relationships, friendships, personal development. With most teens lacking a guide to see them through this teen years, most tend to make err in their decisions which may cost them. This uninformed decisions are the mistakes they make knowingly or unknowingly.

First mistake made by girls is based on physical changes that occur in their bodies. During adolescence which is usually as early as nine years for girls, some girls develop as early as that whereas others take time which is perfectly okay. These changes include developing acne, enlargement of hips and breast, menstruation among others. Some girls tend to feel embarrassed about these changes as they get body shamed eg for having flat chest, acne all over their face, big boobs, big ass. This is mostly by opposite gender and some girls too which is not a good picture. Some girls due to this feel they lack, feel uncomfortable with their body shape, skin tone. These physical changes lead to the mistake of girls trying to strive to be like a certain model, comparing oneself to another girl which is not worth it. Girl you got to embrace yourself as you are, be comfortable the way you look. Everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made by God in His own likeness and image. Those that you look up to as being perfect, they got their own flaws and insecurities. Embrace your flaws and insecurities, do not let them pull you down. Focus on the positives and work on your flaws. By working on your flaws it does not mean you bleach or have a plastic surgery. Glow up girl. Go to that gym, do skin and hair routines, take more selfies, change your wardrobe to what suits you best according to body figure. Be comfortable in yoh self. You are your own version. If you live upto others expectations or others lives, who will live your life? Second mistake girls make is based on emotions. This is mostly on choosing friends. Who do you walk with, how do they impact your life. Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. Most girls tend to choose friends based on how influential, classy, sassy the girl group is. Such groups tend to force a certain code, dress like this, behave like this, have boys like this, party like this, do this at this time. An innocent girl in that group may be forced to live upto the standards of the clique, mostly trying to fit in, belong, be a part of which is expensive. One cannot make individual decisions, has to tag along in the group, time wastage, bad influence among others. By the time you realise it might be a little bit late and would have cost you much. Girls, choose friends that add positive value and energy to you. Be in a circle of friends who encourage you, support you in your journey, those that will stand with yoh in difficulties too, influence you to make right decisions, help you work towards your goals. Girl have fun too, socialize, attend parties, play games do not be a nerd, bookwarmer.

Another emotional mistake is boy-girl relationships. It's good to love and be loved back. Some girls get into a relationship out of peer pressure. If you choose a wrong person to entrust your heart and time too be sure to loose, you will end up hurting as the guy may not end up being what you went for. A wrong guy, wrong timing is a wrong investment. There is a right time for everything, achieve your goals first before getting into relationship. Someone may say, they can balance education and love. One cannot serve two masters you may end up compromising on one, one may be a distractor. Choose what is important first then the rest will follow. Do not waste your teen years in something you cannot reap from. Get that degree girl first, focus on you. Why stress over heartbreak, emotional breakdowns and depression. But if love finds you, if it's genuine go for it. A person that supports your dreams, help you toward your goals, has best of intentions for you, one that can wait on you. Don't entertain toxic relationships which tend to make you feel faulty. If not for your good why waste investing in it.

Third mistake is on background, a girl looks down on herself, try living life of another person, try be like so and so. One may be from a wealthy background, middle class and low class. This is so in any given society. As children you all used to play together, mingle freely without any in differences what happens on reaching teenhod? Some teens tend to shy away from their background and strive to live lives of others. This affects girls mostly, how will others see me if I wear this, use this perfume, see my parents hence the girl tends to lead a life of the others whom she thinks are better of than her, she strives to fit jn another class, sacrifice her necessities in order to buy or eat what others eat, use a certain perfume, wear certain clothes. Fake social media accounts portraying contrary to her real life. Girl how long will you live in this shell, how long will you pretend, how long will you suffer trying to achieve a certain expectation. If you can pretend your whole life, go girl, bravo. One thing, no one chose where to be born from. You found yourself there, what can you do, nothing but read, excel in education, get a degree, get a job and get yoor family out of there, upgrade your siblings' lives. Accept where you come from and strive to take your family to a better position. If there's something lacking in the current provide for it in the future. Fill in the gaps. Those families you look upto, envy, cannot be your family. The so seen perfect family got their own problems too. It is cheaper to live your life.

Fourth mistake girls make is in setting priorities. Wrong priorities will cost you time, resources. One reaps what she sows. Wrong priorities are due to wrong or lack of guidance on decision making techniques. What works for others may not work for you. What others prioritize first, you may due to one reason or another fail to accomplish. Set your priorities right, not everything is beneficial. Take into comtemplatation whether you have what it takes to take up a certain task, resources, time. Setting priorities right enables you to save on time, put in effort into something worth it, zero regrets, greater achievements. Is it your education first before relationship? Is it family before friends? Set your priorities right.

Fifth mistake is living in the dark. Some girls tend to go with the norm, trends without researching, finding information about something before venturing into it. Information is power. Wrong decisions is due to lack of information, wrong information source, assumptions. For right decisions, determine whether your source is legit, is it credible, who is its authority, is it dependable, is it current, what are others opinions about it. Do not rely on one source, get information from various sources, compare and decide solely not under anyone's influence. Look up for tutorials such as cooking tutorials, diy, tailoring tutorials, home makeovers, make up tutorials, hairstyles tutorials, cooking tutorials , pick up a language and learn. In short be all rounded, gain skills besides education of books as these skills may help in self-improvement, home development, side hustles, entrepreneurship among others. Get yourself an extra income from these skills. Who knows these skills may come in handy in your career. Another mistake is not realizing your dreams, talents, hobbies. Work towards your goals that is through academic excellence. Use up your leisure time on doing things that make you happy, enable you to be yourself, try out new games, new foods, new skills. Utilize your talent, be it drawing, singing, pottery, public speaking. Use your talent to help others as well. It may also generate income for oneself for example selling art pieces, designing cards, pottery. Do your hobbies, be it traveling, dancing, working out among others. Go out with friends, catch up with relatives, help out at home. Girl do not be a boring, sulky girl. Who will look at you if you are just there! Make life interesting as well as mysterious. Be yourself, do you, be you. Be excellent not only in books but other things too.

Lastly, poor time management is another mistake. Do everything at the right time, avoid procrastination. Poor time management results to poor results be it academically or in other things you are engaging in. Have time for everything in accordance to your priorities to achieve better results and avoid backlog. Girls we can do it. It is not too late to make a change. It is okay to make mistakes, repeating a mistake after enlightment is a worse mistake. Strive to do everything right. It might not be easy to let go of some things but if it is worth, why not feel the pain now and live well. Let go of toxic friends, fake friends, fake life, toxic places, negative vibe, negative energy. If you are that girl that leads other girls astray, pull them down, it is not too late to change, apologize and work towards improving yourself and others. If you are that girl who has been entertaining toxic relationships, let go, cut them off, you deserve peace of mind, positive energy around you. If you are that girl leading a fake life, enough with the pretence, come out of your shell, be happy with what you have, be contented, live within your means. If you are that girl that is yet to embrace yourself, girl there is no other version of you, be you, do you, embrace your flaws and insecurities, glow up, boss up, fix yourself, get that degree, walk with head high. Helping a girl to help another girl. We can do it. Do not be your own enemy.

© Grace Atieno