

sacred love
We all arrived on this planet through the gateway by carnal union made. The key of sexuality when viewed or performed as prayer of scared intimacy, can become the portal of creation through which one is to be reborn & spiritualized in its whole existence.

Love is the path & destiny; intimacy is the key. Not needy, clinging, dominant or ignorant for love or just sex, rather by understand & bring the practice of sacred love into life, letting it elevate through one’s whole existence filling life with scared love and fully manifesting as a being of love that has a soul made of love & freedom joined together in reverence.

Lets remove the obstacles that block the free flowing energy of love within us and allow us to move into the radiance of our fully potential selves thru this path of love scared.

Lets open our hearts completely to fully realize god/goddess essence that we truly are.
© augustin