

#WritcoStoryChallenge - The setting was perfect.
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.

It was such a beautiful evening and I could see guests walking inside in their matching outfits, well, some more expensive than the others but they all looked stunning.

The music was heard from the background as guests and everyone else found their way to their dedicated seats.

I then heard my name being called... It was a voice bit familiar, someone was asking me to dance.

For a moment I thought maybe am just imagining the whole thing, but again, this time the voice was so loud and clear, he was exactly who I thought he was.

I looked around, my now husband was busy engaging with all the guests rhat were from the dance flow, wishing him all the best, and some were on their way to the dance flow.

Well, let me take you back abit on why I married him...!

Sorry, him I mean my now husband, cause I just came from my first marriage that ended in divorce, very bad one.

So I was saying... The reason I married the second man is because of the little things he does and how he does them, completely different from the first.

Can you imagine all this time he was interacting with all these guests he was actually holding my hand under the table?

Sounds normal, right? I know, wait until you go through divorce maybe, you won't understand how special that felt.

So I had to press his hand, to try to get his attention, which I did, but before I could say a word that I wanted to say, he looked on my left and saw my first husband standing right there asking for my hand to go dance.

I melted...!

I felt like the entire room saw what was happening and heard everything, i wanted to disappear, but I just didn't care at that point for everyone else except paying attention to my new husband trying to see what he was going to do.

Far from what I imagined, while holding my hand so tight, my husband looked my way and asked me, "Yes My Love, do you need anything? "

The smile on his face and the gentle touch in my hand while rubbing his hand on my lap...I just couldn't help it but look closely in his eyes and say, "Can we please close the night with a dance"?

He looked at my then husband who was still standing there hopping to dance with a bride, and then looked at me, and said, "Anything for my Queen"!

We walked to the flow while the crowd cheering for us and we had an honor to enjoy our first dance, as MR. & MRS. EVER AFTER!
