

It was a couple of days back when i went to this Post marital gathering of one of my schoolmates. Walking in there i was pretty depressed and tired from work, but as messed up life is it had to be the parking lot that kicked off a strain of events that changed my perceptions. .
I saw her mom from a distance who ran towards me and hugged me surpringly for quite a while and mumbled in my ears "I haven't seen you for quite a long while son". From where i was accompanied on to the stage, where more and more people joined in with giggles and jokes that felt familiar in a very strange way, which carried on to narrations of which i was a part of and surprisingly most of them that i could hardly even recall. Praises and applauds of the person i was back then, a person whom the me at present can barely even put a name to. I came back that night with a lot of love, happiness and a note which said "come visit more often." .
Riding back to my four walls I couldn't think of anything else but what a dumbfuck I'd been for so long, looking and reaching out everywhere for love in lonliness and desperation when it was right there in abundance, just waiting and longing to be conquered. So many people with so much of love, history and togetherness right at my blind spot and i was foolish enough not to turn back and take a peek.
I guess I'll have to set my eyes for tomorrow's sun, with a lot of lessons and realisations, some hard earned, some beat into me with love, with unanswered questions and some answers without one, with nothing but beatitude to a new part of life you're stepping into. .
I'll be out here rooting for a home run homie and like my mom always says, you're nothing but perfection and deserves nothing less.