

Electrified (part 1)
The music in the background was blasting my ears, shadows dancing in the dim lights. I paid attention to no one when I took a shot of alcohol from the cold, small glass. The liquid burned my throat as it slowly traveled downwards, sending waves of shock through my nerves.

"Eddie, stop drinking so much, relax," Lisa told me. "We'll be taking a cab back home and the last thing I wanted was to babysit a drunkard, especially when it is you."

"Shut up Lisa," I grunted and asked the bartender for more, a moment later another glass of liquor arrived in my sight. I was about take a hold of the cup but realized it was too late when Lisa took it and gulped everything down. I glared at her, annoyed.

"The next morning, I am sure you will be throwing up in the toilet while renting me about how you regret drinking more than you could handle. Now come on, we came all the way here to have fun, not to sit in a dark corner like a sloppy kid." With that, Lisa abandoned the can of beer that she had been sipping on before along with the empty glass she stole from me, and grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the stool.

I had enjoyed dancing since young and the hobby never faded away even when I became a history teacher. Lisa knew this well and took me to the dance floor, crowded with bodies swaying back and forth. She was the only thing that kept my mind away from the incident that happened last morning. The one and only love of my life, which I thought, broke up because I wasn't good enough for him.

Hours on the dance floor had got my knees to squeak every time I walked. I lost sight of Lisa, or maybe it was the other way around which I wasn't sure, so I decided I would just go back home alone since I was too out of breath to look for her.

I took my phone out and clumsily made my way towards the exit, while texting Lisa that I would be heading home. Although I had sent her the message, she had not seen it but I just hoped she would and stepped out of the building.

The night air embraced my sweaty body, cooling me down rapidly in a swift when the fresh breeze passed by. I wobbled on the empty pavement, with nothing but the moon accompanying me hopefully the whole way back.

The apartment that I shared with Lisa was fifteen minutes away from the club and I decided to walk in this silence neighborhood. The sky was as dull as usual, no stars to look upon, no wonders to seek, just the plain, old sky that I grew up with. It always seemed to resemble how boring my life was, a lame teacher with no stories to remember.

I was lost to deeply in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed the footsteps that followed me a while ago. They were heavy but soft, just possible to hear when they were somewhere close.


I saw the shadow that was hovering over me to realized how close that stranger was. They were too close.

Suddenly, before I could react to it, an arm tightened around my neck and a strong force pulled me backwards. I didn't even had time to scream when a cloth covered my nose and mouth.

My body became so weak that I couldn't keep my eyes open, the only thing I knew before everything black out was that I was being dragged across concrete...


Note from author: This story will continue with more than one part, so please be patient until the next part come out to know what happened to Eddie, who was being attacked unknowingly from a stranger.