

This is the leader of a flock of geese!!!
A flock of geese flying high up against the blue sky, squawking away in familiar harmony, roused me into that state of consciousness that lingers just before awakening from a restless slumber. The harsh slap of salty, surf laden water struck me with a ferocity that had me gasping into complete consciousness. My shoulders and arms felt sore, almost as if they didn’t belong to me anymore. How could they when I had spent more than forty eight hours clinging on a piece of driftwood in the middle of the bloody ocean!
I'll tell you how, the thought of mean green money, the life this "goose", has always quaked about, and his geese all waiting in line for the golden eggs , thats how, leaving me no choice but to stop the feeding of these bitds , at the public park they all gather together in the middle of the pond , quaking about the moves. they will make next on a humming bird, I know this action of greed by way the lookers and feeders who frequent the public park , throw bread crumbs my way , but as I lift my beak to catch my crumbs here goes one of the geese and snatch it up claiming owner ship of my crumbs , this is 24/7 leaving me to starve . now that I live in the home pond by my self I have better access to the federal park ranger. we're about to rid these goose and geese, in the end these egg diggers are sure to be no more of my life . thats what you want thats what it will be .