

Who was there?
A 14 year old boy named Rishabh, he is always spoke less and was lost in himself. One day he went on a picnic trip with his school. and That amusement park was near a dense forest. All the students enjoyed that trip very well and all was tired in the evening.
They left it at 6 pm to go home. Teacher said that, all the students have to sit in the bus after the attendance. Rishabh and his friend Dev going to near the bus after the attendance. They both saw a cute little kitty on the right side of the bus, the kitty was wet and looking scared.
Dev said to Rishabh- Buddy! We should help her.
He ask- what can we do for her?
Dev replied- we can take her with us! There is nobody to help her.
Then they both pick her and go back for the bus. Rishabh noticed that someone is staring him behind the tree. He wanna know that who is behind the tree! He looked again and saw a girl with beautiful black hairs, and her hairs touched her waist. Her eyes hypnotized him!
Rishabh to Dev- Listen! You should go first, and you have to sit on the back side of the Bus. Because If teacher see both of us with the kitty. She won't allow her to take with us. And I have to sit on the front side of the bus.
Dev agrees with him and went in the bus. Rishabh decided that once he checked who is she and then he go for the bus. And he enters in the forest. His first step in the forest and suddenly dust blowing up with the wind. He can't open his eyes and try to open! After few seconds, all normal! He saw the shadow behind the same tree. He asked loudly- Who is there? Anybody there?
He slowly started going near the tree, and suddenly a bird appeared in front of him and he was so scared that he fell on the ground. He again see behind the tree but no one is there. Then he noticed that few steps away from the tree, there is a Bird tied with the rope. Like someone tied it here.
He frees that bird from the rope. Suddenly he remembered about his school bus, and he starts run so fast for the bus and stops where the bus was stand. After saw that his bus is gone, and they left him. He was so scared! And he just lost his all senses. He ran on the road for some time but couldn't find the bus. he comes where the bus was stands, and thought his bus will came back for take him.
He starts waiting for bus. And after some time evening started turning into night. He remembered about that girl who is behind the tree. And he thought maybe she is living in the forest. If he finds her so he can spend night in her house. He goes in the forest, after walk for few minutes he saw s house. He became very happy. He peeped into the house and saw a light coming from it.
He thought the girl is inside. And he loudly asked- anyone there? Anyone there?
But no answer from that side. Then suddenly his attention goes, he sees that someone's hand is placed on his left side. Nails of that hand is very dangerous and she wore a black ring in her finger.
He tries to look at the angle, But as soon as he sees that hand disappears from him. Seeing that he gets very scared and suddenly the lightning strikes and it starts raining. There is a loud sound and the light that was coming from that house is extinguished!
He gets more scared and starts running away, He doesn't see anything yet he keeps running. He doesn't stop until he gets tired, and at last he gets tired and sits by a tree! And because of fatigue, he starts falling asleep. After sometime when he wakes up the rain has stopped, now he feels that everything is fine and he can look around him in the light of the moon. But suddenly he feels that someone is breathing on the left side of his neck. He starts getting scared again and he is so scared that he does not have the courage to look back. he was unable to speak anything, his body start trembling.
After some time he dares to turn and see that there is no one behind him, he takes a step forward, And suddenly a blood-stained head falls down from the tree. His eyes were very scary.
Rishabh gets scared seeing him and he faints.
When he wakes up he finds himself in the hospital, he sees his parents sitting beside him. Dr asks how is he feeling now?
He is unable to speak anything, his parents try very hard to talk to him but he is unable to speak anything.
And when he is sleeping in the night, suddenly the same flax comes in front of him, from which he gets up in fear and starts shouting loudly.
His parents ask him what is wrong with him, tell us?
He tells everything to his parents, then they explain to him that there was no one when they went to find him.
And tell- you was alone at that time so you must have had a scary dream! Don't think too much, everything is fine.
But only he knows, that was not only a dream that was reality and only he can feel this.

© Riya.P