

Maria,Duchess of Azul.
Chapter 1

The Duchess Maria looked out of her
bedroom window. A beautiful morning greeted her.It was a cold winter morning complete with a fresh snowfall .
She pondered about her life. Duchess Maria was not always a Duchess.

Her Serene Highness,The Princess Noor was born in Istanbul to The Prince and Princess of Janina.
She was hailed as the heiress apparent of the principality of Janina from her birth.

Princess Noor lived a comfortable life with her father and mother who were always by her .The Royal palace of Janina was a beautifully stately castle that even challenged the beauty of The Winter Palace in Russia.
Sadly at the age of 15 her parents perished in a fire.She was utterly horrified ,overcome with immeasurable grief the young Princess was helpless.She had no one in this world.Due to an unfinished will left by her father a court appointed guardian was now incharge of her.

The guardian was her father's first minister. The Vizer Alam was a cruel man who despised the Princess.He wanted Janina for himself.
So he challenged the will deposing her father as mentally unstable.
The principality of Janina was thus no longer hers.She was cheated out of her fortune.
With Vizer Alam now incharge of Janina he proclaimed himself Prince Regent.
Princess Noor was utterly distraught.
Janina was lost forever.Her loving father lost.Her Cherished mother gone .The Prince Alam now in full control forced her into a marriage a week later .She was wed to the Sultan of Turkey's cousin and sent away to Istanbul never to step foot again in Janina.

* Will be continued in chapter 2