

Ghosts of the Past

That's the constant reminder I kept on getting at home and I'm very happy that we reopen today after the long vacation.

On reaching school, I noticed that Luke hadn't arrived yet. That's strange.

Oh, I forgot to tell, Luke's one of my best friends in school and he's also the school's senior prefect. I also have another best friend who you'll meet later on, I'm kidding, his name is Joshua.

Luke surely hasn't come to school, usually his family would be the first to arrive the school no matter the occasion, because his immediate younger sister, Idara, has this obsession with punctuality.

If she isn't punctual to a class, gathering or event, know that something is most definitely wrong with her, but meanwhile, his other sister, Faith or Faithy as we always like to tease her, does not I repeat ‘does not’ give a damn about punctuality or whatsoever related to being early.

I've watched these three siblings closely, they are alike in different ways but different in so many ways.

While my best friend is the joker and the trobulemaker, the most crazed among the three, Idara is the calm and quiet one, more reserved, while Faith is the bubble surrounding them, well, that's because she herself is ‘bubbly’, in other terms, she can be classified as the most social.

After getting my things safely secured, I made my way out, just as I was approaching the entrance of the hostel to make my exit, I bumped into Luke.

I couldn't explain how elated I was to see him.

“Dude, how far na, why you come school late today.”

He gave me a pointed look then cleared his throat,“10 o’clock na late for your eye?”

“But you usually come earlier than this na. Wetin happen today?”

“One word...Faith.”

“Wetin she don do this time?”

“I know, you cannot wait for gist, help me carry my things to the room first and I'll tell you, utang (Talk-talk).”

“Afonko utang.”(You too Talk-talk).

You see, the longer you live in Akwa Ibom State, the faster and more better you get in speaking their dialet. You know, since the larger population of this school consists of Akwa Ibomites, the teachers tend to also use the dialet when teaching some subjects and it doesn't help outsiders like myself, so I had started learning.

We put his things in place and went outside, I spotted my Dad talking to Luke's father and so to avoid unnecessary questioning, he decided it was best we take the other way to the cherry tree his parents like meeting on days such as these.

We saw Joshua on the way munching on a tub of ice-cream like a five year old, we couldn't stop laughing at him. He told us he would meet us at the auditorium later and he trailed off with some SS2 chick, he was always the ladies man, any tip or advice you need on relationships, he's the right guy for you, just go for him and he'll sort you out.

We approached the cherry tree and smiles and greetings were shared.

I turned to my left and stole a glance at Idara, she looked beautiful, I mean people would call me crazy right now, no doubt our school uniforms are nice but seriously?

She had glowing skin, and her deep brown orbs did well to compliment her skin, it felt like ages since I last saw her.

Luke came close to me and nudged me in the side. “What?”, I whispered to him.

“Stop ogling my sister, dude.”


“I wasn't, I was staring at the sky above her, idiot.”

“No you weren't.”

“Yes, I was, now leave me.”


I'm sure he rolled his eyes at me but I would care less. I don't need that today besides I know he's only joking.

I saw our Dads arrived together, those two, the main reason why our families know each other, their were best friends since their diaper days, the more reason why Luke is my best friend, we just clicked off so well.

They prayed for all of us, taking their turns, after that Idara thanked her parents, got her pocket money and left.

Surely, to wait at the auditorium for her friends, that's where they always meet.

Luke turned to me,“She’s leaving to the auditorium, aren't you going to follow her?”

Luke always knew I had a soft spot for his sister and I was happy he didn't kill me for it. Knowing him, I thought he would freak out and go all protective on his little sister, but he understood my situation and  just told me to take it slowly and not tell her anything yet until I'm sure and I couldn't be more sure...ever.

The things love does to people....in this case, my best friend's love for me turned him into a love counsellor.

I reminded him that Joshua said that we should meet him at the auditorium when we were done so, we made our way there after bidding goodbye to our parents an of course, the other important thing, pocket money!

Walking to the auditorium wasn't that stressful, it was right across the principal's office.

We spotted Joshua by the side, pouting, his parents were still around and we all know why, Joshua was a mommy's boy and would always remain one no matter what, the fact that his Mom came to drop him off today didn't help matters. We had to literally drag him away from his car for just ten minutes, he argued that we would come back to his car after that.

Who were we to object to him, so we silently nodded.

Luke nudged me to go and talk to Idara when we spotted her, I shook my head because I knew that if I went to speak to her now, I'll just make a fool of myself, but Jordan pushed me in already grabbing the attention of other students around, I just smiled and they smiled back awkwardly.

I turned to look at my best friends but they disappeared.

I walked over to where she was seated and took a seat beside her.

She turned to face me and I smiled at her, she looked at me weirdly and then turned to where my best friends where standing and turned back to look at me.

“Hi Ahmed.”

She fidgeted with her finger, a nervous habit of hers.

“Hello Idara, what's up?”

“I dey. You?”

“I’ve been okay. So how did you enjoy your vacation?”

“Enjoy? I did not enjoy anything. I had to do all the work and your best friend there,” she stopped to glance at Luke, “did not even help, always sleeping or on his phone, chatting with you and Jordan of course and some girl he's pretty obsessed with.”

What? Girl? Which girl?

I'm confused here.


“I don talk am, he was chatting with one girl...I think I caught a glimpse of her Facebook name one day like that...I think its Mira something, I'm not sure.”


Which one is that again....


“Hey Ahmed, did you hear what I just said?”

“Yes, I'll see you later. Bye.”

“Alright bye.” She smiled at me.

I feel so bad for cutting the conversation short like that but I seriously needed to know who this babe was and why she got Luke so into her, something just isn't right.

Luke no fit talk to girl even if dem persuade am. He just dey like that.

I made my way towards him and Joshua when Fatima, my junior sister approached me.

“Ya Ahmed, Baba is calling you.”

I guess my interrogation will have to wait till later on.

I followed Fatima to where our car was parked. I already thought that they had left. What made them wait, I guess I'll just have to walk faster if I want to find out.

Chapter Three....

There you have it folks..😂

Sorry, I would have updated early but sleep.
Y'all know it's Sunday and no work for me so I took it as an opportunity to sleep and the rain that fell did not use in helping me stay awake.

Anyways Chapter Four is coming later on and maybe if I have time, I'll publish Chapter Five too.

Till then bye.
Thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying it.

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