

Pain Is You
He said to me, "Do you know the meaning of pain?"
I was a little girl with eyes full of dreams and charms who never encountered any pain in life except the circumstances of good and bad grades, I was dumbly looking towards him, "I know, When you worked so hard but couldn't get good grades!"I explained the definition according to my calculations and accords.
He smiled and politely told me, "No, You doesn't know what pain is Dearest! "
I gave a stare to him," You think I'm dumb, Am I? I know the meaning of pain, I went through it."
He said," Listen! I'll tell you about the pain."
I shrink my eyes with childlike interest and curiosity. " Ok, tell me."
He closed his eyes, Imagined his pains with such an intensity and passiveness that watery drops started roll down his cheeks, his nose a little red, his eyebrows was lifting very little as grief is overcoming his consciousness.
"When you get into a house and you love that house, you don't wanna go out but house keepers are kicking you out... "
I scorned," Thats insane! I won't be ever go to that type of Home, Integrity is integrity By the way. "
He smiled," You never experienced it thats way. "
"Thats not right, I know everything.",I bragged.
He again smiled and said," Let me give you another example."
I got irritation about that pain because its deny my knowledge its against my ego. I wasn't all ears. "Ok!" I shrugged.
"When your heart is burning for something, when with every breath, you yarn for that Happiness, that thing but every situation is against you, if you are fighting with situation that thing dropped off your hand and broke down at floor. When your heart is crying for that thing and your tongue is always busy to pray for it but that thing, but your family throw it of the window and you left crying and weeping on mat whole nights for that loss. Thats Pain! "
He suddenly opened his eyes , Reddness of his eyes shocked me. I just opened my eyes, dream is over. I am feeling that pain, my heart is burning but I can't access that thing. I believed and believed pain is Unforgettable...
Pain is Losing...
Pain is Praying...
Pain is Wishing...
