

Patient Ch 2

R lets play catch? [Owner asks.]
[R looks at Owner and runs in circles barking.] Really? Ya, Ya, Ya. Play. Play.
[Owner looks at R and laughs.] R go find something so we can play.
[Stops and barks.] Ooookiiiaay. [Runs away to find something.]
[Owner waits for R.] I wonder what he will bring? [Question is answered when R stops in front of him.] R really that's what you brought?
[R in low bark.] Uuuuh huh.
[Sighs.] R you could have brought my shoe you claimed for yourself.
[Shakes his head no.] Shoo for night time.
[Keeps trying to persuade R.] What about the chew toy that I bought you a while back?
[Growls.] It gaav mi wiered loook. [Growls again.] I bite too hard, destroy it.
[Bends down to pick up R's choice.] Fine I guess a rock it is. [Sighs.] You win R.
[Howl's.] Yeeee throw throw.
[Both played for a long time.] I'm to tired R. [Walks over to a rocking chair.] Sure does feel good to sit and just rel----[Gets interrupted by R who jumped on his lap.] Bad puppy.
[Looks at Owner licks his face.] Not fair. [Owner gives in.] Pets R.
[R looks at his owner.] Good Owner.
I really can't say no to you R. Your my best friend. [R barks in happiness.]
You sure do like to revisit this memory Owner. [Mem said as she floated around.]
[Wipes away tears.] Of course I've had him since he was a puppy. [Feels a nudge by his ankles.]
It would seem someone is calling for you. [Mem materializes the exit.]
[Without saying a word Owner walks to the door opens it and stops.] Mem see you soon. [Closes door and reads the words Memories.]
[Looks at a river rock that marks Rocky's grave. Walks to it and pats it and says a few words.] So it was you Luna who brought me out of my thoughts. [A mixed Labrador happily barks at Owner.]