

Love Infinite (16)
Episode 16 :- Reconcile And TrustBreak

Previously Shanaya's identity is revealed in front of all the employees and Abhimanyu. They are all shocked to know that she is the famous Shanaya Singhal. She proves her innocence that she didn't do anything wrong.

Shanaya :- Before you ask me why I hid my identity? let me tell you it's a personal reason, if you feel offended and wanna sue me, you can go ahead but let me tell you chances of you winning the case is very low. Because Singhals have the best legal team, I have done no harm to anyone by keeping my identity hidden and it was for my security as well.
Shaurya :- He isn't that type, don't bother. I am really sorry Abhimanyu, I did this just to make my daughter realise my situation that's it. I had no intention of troubling you. Really sorry. I can assure you nothing ever happened to your data. There is one more thing that you need to know....
Abhimanyu :- Still something's there??
Shaurya nodded and went to Shanaya. He took out the artificial nail from her blazer, she asked him not to do it but he didn't agree.
Shaurya :- It's always a traitor. He needs to know who it is to be careful. Ms. Cynthia, is this artificial nail yours?
Cynthia :- Nnnooo.... Noo....
Shaurya :- No point in lying the person who gave you orders is me. I knew if I instigated you a little against my daughter you will be irked and will do as I say. My daughter's attitude can't be bear by all. Her talent makes many enemies for her. I can't believe you betrayed your boss because of her and that to why because you thought that Abhimanyu and Shanaya have something in between them. I don't know about Abhimanyu but I can say for sure about Shanaya, she is not into things like love, marriage etc.
Shanaya began to laugh.
Shanaya :- Seriously?? If you felt like this you could have talked to either of us. Most of the problems of this world and be solved ifwe just talked to each other. I don't believe in Love. I hate Love.
Abhimanyu was angry that she hid her identity and was upset that he didn't trust her.
Abhimanyu :- How this plan of yours can get your daughter back sir?
Shaurya :- I told her that if she is able to make Abhimanyu believe on her then she can stay here. If she is not able to do that then she needs to get back. But Shanaya you don't need to come back because of this. You come back when you feel like, I will wait for you for my life, I will not force you but after my death you will have to come back. (laughed)
Shanaya and Saksham glared at him angrily and asked him to Shut up together.
Shaurya :- I just wanted to make you understand my situation. I couldn't trust you because situation around you was such, it made things hard for me since everything was against you. Don't come back if you don't want to.
He was about to leave with Saksham. But Shanaya held him by his hand.
Shanaya :- I want to come back. I have realized something very lately since I got a job here. I can't make sure that I will be able to protect you if I stay away from you. I left because you didn't trust me and also because I thought my attitude, character and behavior can put you in some serious danger so I thought I'd stay away. It's not like I had cut off ties totally. I knew what you guys are doing every moment. This last month was peaceful but it made me restless also. These years while I was away everything was good but not this last month. So when I joined the job, I had given my resignation letter, I wasn't sure if I could stay away any longer so to make sure that resignation is smooth and easy I filed it a month ago when I joined to not violate the law of informing a month before quitting. Dad, let's just move ahead of the past and break the ice.
Shaurya and Saksham became teary eyed seeing Shanaya saying this. She hugged them tight. All three of them longed for this. Shanaya held their hand.
Shanaya :- I always knew life is short, we can't waste the time in carrying out hatred and anger. But this morning (emotionally) I faced something drastic. I met with an accident or better call it someone's attempt to kill me. It's not like I haven't faced death, I have been attacked but in those attacks I was always sure that I can save myself but this accident opened my eyes. Look at this picture.
She shows the image of her car which was completely crushed. Shaurya stepped back in shock. He hugged Shanaya. Saksham also hugged her.
Shanaya :- I was lucky that I jumped out but if I couldn't then I wouldn't have been able to see you guys and aunt for even the last time. The only wish I have for my death is to see you guys at least once before closing my eyes forever. I can't forgive you for not trusting me but I know things were difficult for you to trust me Dad. But Dad isn't trust something you have to have to show in the person you love when everything is against them. In both the cases back then and now the person who lost is me. None of you trusted me. (she was about to cry but she exhaled out heavily)
She turned to Abhimanyu. She kept her hand near his heart, patting on it she continued saying to him.
Shanaya :- I thought we were friends. If you are angry that I didn't tell you who am I then let me tell you last week when we were at the cafe, I asked you to meet me as I wanted to tell you something important, I felt I can trust you with my secret and that you will keep it a secret if I tell you. I called you that day because I wanted to tell you that I am the Shanaya Singhal but in that cafe when you came there were people around us who were with Guns. They were at the cafe to kill me and I realized my family's life already remains in danger because of me, I couldn't afford to risk another life whoever is connected to me always stays in fear and danger. I am always worried about my family. I thought if you know who am I, don't know who will do what to you. So I didn't tell you the truth and pretended to be angry so that those guys think you are not my friend. I asked you to leave and after that I made those guys follow me and brought them to an isolated place, to handle them my way. I trusted you but you didn't. I took you as my friend but you didn't.

#heartbreak #lost #trust #failure

© Bhoomish